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Studio One 7.0.1 / 7.0.2 - Discussion Thread

As I wrote in the old forum, this is something that ProTools does right. They don't use a uniform color through the grid. Instead they customize the grid colors within each event to ensure it's always visible, and changes the grid color when the event is selected. Although I would argue that it isn't particularly pretty (in ProTools that is), it IS clear.

You're right that my settings are a bit washed out, but at least now I can edit comfortably in 7.
Same for Wavelab. If there ever was an editor that makes you feel like you are always seeing exactly what you need to - that app is it.

That´s Nuendo in the most vibrant/contrasty setting: unselected, selected event
Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-21 um 22.06.31.png
That´s Nuendo in the most vibrant/contrasty setting: unselected, selected event
View attachment 78

See - this I can get into. "Selected" is NOT a 200 watt light bulb.

It's a nice reversal that keeps the cursor VERY visible and the editing easy on the eyes.

Now I wouldn't necessarily dig the BumbleBee color vibe here - but this so much better than S1 right now

I was about to say that the visibility, if anything, was worse than before. But I had just moved to a new machine that I hadn't previously installed S1. In that situation, the default for the preference "Draw events translucent (grid shows through)" is off.

Flipped it on, played with the appearance prefs a bit, and I'm good.View attachment 77
The beat and bar lines somehow work. But the subdivisions with certain colours like the yellow in your example and the orange in mine above are really hard to see.
.....Now I wouldn't necessarily dig the BumbleBee color vibe here - but this so much better than S1 right now

haha, yes, I chose a drastic example on purpose just to show what could be possible 😂
Seeing how this color and visibility issue gains in focus (perhaps to the detriment of more important matters), I'm still wondering what was considered wrong with the old visualization system (version 6), which was, from my point of view, perfect.

I was secretly hoping that version 7.0.1 would bring the option of 'reverting' to the old color scheme from version 6 for all those who were totally happy with it... :confused:
Seeing how this color and visibility issue gains in focus (perhaps to the detriment of more important matters), I'm still wondering what was considered wrong with the old visualization system (version 6), which was, from my point of view, perfect.

I was secretly hoping that version 7.0.1 would bring the option of 'reverting' to the old color scheme from version 6 for all those who were totally happy with it... :confused:
That's what I want to know. Of all the things that people were complaining about - I did not think colorization was one of them.

On a positive note - I think I finally found a color scheme for dialog editing that actually will work. Took me long enough but I think I can finally start client work in v7 now.

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  • "Transform To Rendered Audio" delivers unexpected results on mono tracks:
"Transform To Rendered Audio" applied to a Mono-Track still results in a Stereo-File on a Stereo Track.
Does not happen in 6.6.4
Same with "bounce to new track"
The bug also affects recording a mono signal to an armed mono track. The result is stereo on a mono track! ... it's so frustrating.
New user here, greetings from Sweden! My first post, let's start on a positive note :)
From the 7.0.1 release notes:
"Connection with Studio One Remote slow with large songs"
This is a BIG one for me, VERY happy to see this adressed!
Just tested it in a template with 650 tracks, indeed much better now.
I'm using a bunch of Tablets running S1 Remote showing mixer channels and macros.
Before, it was virtually impossible to show individual tracks, it would take (not joking!) easily over 10 minutes to update these.
Now, finally, S1 remote can be used as an alternative "mixing console".
Taking much less space, showing more info and making fast track selection a breeze.
Thank you Presonus!
Hey all, greetings from India!
They have fixed and improved quite a few things, biggest of them for me are note selection in the editor and event visibility.
However, selecting nodes in CC lanes in the Editor is still buggy. In version 6 and previous, you could select a range of nodes by pressing Alt and clicking and dragging your mouse. You still can't do that in 7, even in the latest update. When selecting, it just takes into account the horizontal position of the mouse and not the vertical aspect, if you know what I mean.
Also, if they could give users a control to adjust event transparency to show the grid better, it would be so great. In this update, the grid shows a little better than the previous release, but there still is a visibility issue with any highlighted event.
Just my 2 cents.
That's what I want to know. Of all the things that people were complaining about - I did not think colorization was one of them.

On a positive note - I think I finally found a color scheme for dialog editing that actually will work. Took me long enough but I think I can finally start client work in v7 now.

VP, I get this.
My eye's are not so good these days and bright light gives me eye fatigue and having a useable UI is becoming more important as I get older.

Side note: please read with a sense of irony.
There are some regulations regarding accessibility and from what I understand it's a bigger issue to commerce than stuff we do, but there may be
some collateral issues that might have an indirect impact.
eg, companies selling to EU education or government sponsored companies.

I know that Ableton have introduced a screen reader into their environment, wonder why?
From what I have been reading, there are some EU regulations coming into force next year and a set of compliances for accessibility.

The thing that stood out for me was the sales to government or educational establishments... You know those educational Licenses.
My take... at the moment until the crap hits the fan and these compliances are in force, it's bit of a walk in the park as to how far reaching this might be?
To be honest, I'm over-egging the situation, but you could prod Presonus and send them the links below to sort out the visualization and see what comes out of the wood pile.:cautious:o_O

Best regards

Thanks for the links. Some cool stuff - especially that Contrast Analyser.

And while I would like to think that Presonus does know about regulations and (hopefully) tries to comply with them - this color nonsense in v7 still makes zero sense to me - UNLESS - it is part of a bigger plan to make S1 better, stronger and more compliant in this space.

But right now - it looks like a hodge-podge of a mess than needs the skilled hand of a experienced UI designer. A talent that knows color combinations seriously and understands how important it is to the editing process that each user be able to easily find a scheme that is both easy to stare at for long periods of time but at the same time does not compromise their workflow.

I mean after 7 iterations of Studio One since 2009 - I can't even adjust my cursor width? Or brightness? Or apply a specific color outline/contrast/sharpness to JUST the waveform in an event? Why is the audio event so kneecapped that changing a track color - effects the whole bloody event and subjects me to someone's "idea" of what looks good.

I have harped on this enough so far - but still would like to know where these bright-a** highlight colors (when clicking in the bottom half of any event) are coming from and why they are applied automatically and without any chance for adjustment - by default.

I had arrived at a very specific color scheme that has worked flawlessly for me for over the last ten years of S1 usage and to suddenly be thrust into a situation that now makes it impossible to use it (or even recreate it) and then be told my only real option is to roll over and find a new color scheme - is unacceptable to me.

There was nothing wrong with the colors or typical customization of them as of v6.6.4. Whatever v7 is doing - I still do not get how this represents an improvement or a boost to workflow - which all enhancements should be.

I mean after 7 iterations of Studio One since 2009 - I can't even adjust my cursor width? Or brightness? Or apply a specific color outline/contrast/sharpness to JUST the waveform in an event? Why is the audio event so kneecapped that changing a track color - affects the whole bloody event and subjects me to someone's "idea" of what looks good.

Other than what you mentioned I have thought about cursor width but didn’t want to complain. As already mentioned, visibility is best in PT and has always (even in v6) been an issue. Such a good Daw is S1 but in desperate need of attention in this area. Was also hoping for a centred playhead.
Other than what you mentioned I have thought about cursor width but didn’t want to complain. As already mentioned, visibility is best in PT and has always (even in v6) been an issue. Such a good Daw is S1 but in desperate need of attention in this area. Was also hoping for a centred playhead.
I don't see it as a complaint. Folk should be able to ask for such things. It's a reasonable ask if it enhances the use for yourself and others.
I would prefer a thicker playhead marker, or if the Dev's can offer an option for setting the pixel width even better, then folk can set it where they need or are comfortable with.
Best regards to all.
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All I can say right now is that there are editors and then there are editors - this is Wavelab and it is most definitely the latter:


100% control over every aspect of the edit from the background shade to cursor size to you name it (10 different attributes PER channel) that can be tweaked (in real time no less) to one's exact specs. All saved to a nice tidy preset that can used over and over again.

Cannot even get close to this look in S1 sadly.

Strangely, I have no issues with the colors in v7. Maybe I just have a monitor with more contrast, but I'm just using the default scheme and everything seems pretty darn good.
Strangely, I have no issues with the colors in v7. Maybe I just have a monitor with more contrast, but I'm just using the default scheme and everything seems pretty darn good.
Can you post a screen cap of your color panel? Have to be honest - I have messed with mine so much now - do not even know what "default" is actually supposed to look like anymore.

And - remember too that unless you are involved in very specific editing processes within S1 - like non-stop voiceover editing in my case - colors may not be a big deal at all. This is probably 98.2% of all users to be honest.

Anyone seeing weirdness in copy/paste?

In copying from one track to another:


It's pasting twice...


And it looks like it has something to do with a non-active loop?

Can you post a screen cap of your color panel? Have to be honest - I have messed with mine so much now - do not even know what "default" is actually supposed to look like anymore.

And - remember too that unless you are involved in very specific editing processes within S1 - like non-stop voiceover editing in my case - colors may not be a big deal at all. This is probably 98.2% of all users to be honest.


Here's a quick snippet that shows the cursor...


I don't find this troublesome, but to your point, I don't spend all day editing audio.