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Is there something to take away from the recent closure of the Studio One forum?

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I'm a + subscriber (for now) but don't post on "Community". It's just not my thing. But I have checked it out and I am honestly very impressed with respect to the quick responsiveness being offered in helping users to resolve issues. I honestly think that Presonus wanted to be faster in providing help to new users of V7 specifically (and of course they'd like to sell subscriptions too). So much of the "bandwidth" of the old forum was taken up by users of old versions who, (let's face it), aren't providing NEW growth for the company. So I see the "community" (sounds like a cult, eh?) as being principally focussed towards helping new users, as well as experienced users with legitimate issues/bugs. More experienced users with sufficient disposable income to become subscribers can take advantage of the available extras (plugins, sounds and utilities), training materials, workspace collaboration/project sharing etc, while providing Presonus with a steady and predictable revenue flow. I don't think it's necessarily "bad" at all. Could easily be seen as more effective, (but would definitely be seen as a negative change for those with old versions, especially those who have no interest or intention of upgrading).
My 2 cents (Canadian, so like a Penny's worth of real wisdom 😁)
I can’t begin to understand, unless it’s to cut off commentary from folks (like me) who tend to do things ‘old school,’ with mics, guitars and amps, and such instead of plugins and samples?

Example: I track bass guitars with, depending on need of course, any of 5 different basses, into either an actual Ampeg B15, Mesa Subway + pre, Ashly BP41, Sarno Tonic either direct or into various cabs, etc etc etc
no plug-ins, very little post tracking effects. Preamps include Presonus, API, Black Lion, Neve clones, etc

Can’t sell me anything, and future sales may be at risk if enough “old geezers” posted non DAW approaches to getting things done.

Just a guess
The thing that befuddles me is that all focus for this 'forum to +' transition is going towards Studio One (7). Where's the hardware customer to go? Buy an expensive PreSonus interface or mixer to use with your 3rd party DAW, have a question and get the cold shoulder. Sure, customer support will try to help but imagine a firmware update with a serious bug. (Phone) lines will go red-hot, queue times will be endless, and customer satisfaction withers away. And Farcebook, well, let's not go there...

Anyway, happy to see the PreSonus hardware section in this forum. Hope the hardware community wil quickly find their way here too đŸ«‚đŸ™‚
Well, at least now I can be re-united with the old S1 Forum members after being unable to post on it for 8 years lol. Don't know if I have much time to post here between KVR though.
Hey guys. I can't remember what user name I had on the forum, but I may have gone by Bub. I just found out today that the forum shut down and I wanted to pop in and say hello and I'm sorry to see it go. It was such a vast database of knowledge. It doesn't appear to be archived for searching on the net either. Oh well.

It appears that there is some kind of "community" for those who pay monthly. I'd speak my mind on that but I don't want to be the first person scolded or banned on this forum. LOL. I don't like the decision but it's not mine or ours to make so . . .
I remember Bub, around the time Lawrence and Niles were very active on the old forum, good to see folk are still around.
Any idea where they are?

That's it exactly, the old forum is gone and there is nothing that can be done to change that.
Best regards.
Hey guys. I can't remember what user name I had on the forum, but I may have gone by Bub. I just found out today that the forum shut down and I wanted to pop in and say hello and I'm sorry to see it go. It was such a vast database of knowledge. It doesn't appear to be archived for searching on the net either. Oh well.

It appears that there is some kind of "community" for those who pay monthly. I'd speak my mind on that but I don't want to be the first person scolded or banned on this forum. LOL. I don't like the decision but it's not mine or ours to make so . . .
Do you know what this "community" Is or any info. I haven't noticed anything like that but that don't mean much. I have made a donation but not signed up monthly. Please advise :)
Do you know what this "community" Is or any info. I haven't noticed anything like that but that don't mean much. I have made a donation but not signed up monthly. Please advise :)
It's on the Presonus website. If you have a current V7 you should be able to get to it via your presonus account.
I have not been there so am short on the full info. Don't worry tho' wiser folk than me will probably tell you more.

I remember Bub, around the time Lawrence and Niles were very active on the old forum, good to see folk are still around.
Any idea where they are?

That's it exactly, the old forum is gone and there is nothing that can be done to change that.
Best regards.
I know one of the old timers passed away, but I can't remember which one now. If Jay shows up he'll remember. He was there a long time. I haven't been to the S1 forum in years, so I really have no idea who was still around at the end. I still hang out at the Cakewalk forum pretty regularly. I moved from MO to NJ close to 3 years ago and I left a lot of my hardware there, so I haven't used my PC as a DAW in a very long time and only got it hooked back up yesterday after being in storage for almost 3 years. I plan on going back to get the rest of my stuff one day, but for now I'm not really around much.

I'm very grateful that this forum was started to replace the S1 forum. Thanks to those who started it.
I don't think Jay has appeared yet, unless he's using a different ID, time will tell if he shows up.
Mind it's sad if folk pass and their history has been lost. It's good to hear you are getting back into it. Never put off what you can do today.
Said the original idle layabout (me). Anyway take care. â˜ș
The thing that befuddles me is that all focus for this 'forum to +' transition is going towards Studio One (7). Where's the hardware customer to go? Buy an expensive PreSonus interface or mixer to use with your 3rd party DAW, have a question and get the cold shoulder. Sure, customer support will try to help but imagine a firmware update with a serious bug. (Phone) lines will go red-hot, queue times will be endless, and customer satisfaction withers away. And Farcebook, well, let's not go there...

Anyway, happy to see the PreSonus hardware section in this forum. Hope the hardware community wil quickly find their way here too đŸ«‚đŸ™‚
It's strange to be sure. The "Community" is designed to be immediate/short response. Nothing is categorized. It's like an on-line help (and collaboration) centre. "Here's my song, what do you think? I need a bass player, anybody interested? Help me with this S1 problem?" I am thinking it's also supposed to be a place for the "latency issues with Quantum ES 4 in Windows 10" type questions (?) but it seems like the effectiveness would depend a great deal on the calibre and availability of the respondents, and if that is the case, there might be a lot falling through the cracks. I guess time will tell.
My take on it is this:

One or more PSL decision-makers decided the ROI isn't there, and that shutting it down will be break-even at worst.

I have no affiliation or inside info. This is pure speculation on my part.
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Yeah, what drew me to PreSonus many years ago was the impression (also from their presence on the forums) that 95% of their staff were into making music and that the products they came out with was the stuff they would love to own themselves too. With Studio One I still get that vibe (although some of the music genre directions are not my directions, which is fine). But the hardware side of PreSonus now seems to be 95% about making money, the love for making music taking a back seat. Even the merry announcement video of Studio One 7 with brand new license scheme didn't feel merry much, or heartfelt.

Anyway, almost Christmas and time for happy thoughts. I'll speak no more of this, soon PreSonus/Fender will redeem themselves, proving me completely wrong, I'll see :)
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My take on it is this:

One or more PSL decision-makers decided the ROI isn't there, and that shutting it down will be break-even at worst.

I have no affiliation or inside info. This is pure speculation on my part.
From the outside it seems like there is a good deal of risk with the "let's see what happens, I think it'll be ok" approach. Which gets us back to the "how BAD do things have to be" question for a company to take that sort of risk anyway? (Outsider's perspective with no real clue). The global economy is still fragile as hell. The home studio business in particular must be struggling as customers tighten up.
Anyway, almost Christmas and time for happy thoughts. I'll speak no more of this, soon PreSonus/Fender will redeem themselves, proving me completely wrong, I'll see :)
Me too!
Yeah, what drew me to PreSonus many years ago was the impression (also from their presence on the forums) that 95% of their staff were into making music and that the products they came out with was the stuff they would love to own themselves too. With Studio One I still get that vibe (although some of the music genre directions are not my directions, which is fine). But the hardware side of PreSonus now seems to be 95% about making money
If you do what you do for a living, it's always about money.

And, the more popular and demanded your work gets, the more you have to comply to the market, of course.

What is more annoying to me is that they decided to do one paid upgrade version per year. That's pretty insane, especially when you consider the high upgrade costs (149 €). People who buy a new version per year are actually punished, not rewarded, because, people upgrading from an older version for the same price get a lot more bang for the buck.

It also forces to implement new features, to justify the new paid upgrade. That is bad, because, it bloats the streamlined software that Studio One was, and turns it into a feature monster, with a lot of stuff the average user probably will never need.

It's a bad development I already saw enough elsewhere (Steinberg Cubase, for example), and, I don't like it at all. Won't be long, surely, and everyone will do it. It's pretty much a soft subscription scheme for me. Yes, you don't have to buy, but, let's be honest, most probably will buy, and, it will be nothing different to the Studio One+ subscription.
I guess someone had to ask. Also, the goal isn't to complain, but rather to understand why it happened.

On one hand I understand that Presonus "had" to close the forum, since it was dying to say the least. On the other hand, it's legitimate to ask why this was the case.
Some DAWs have very active forums with people from the team answering questions (Cubase, FL Studio, etc), so my question is, why was the Presonus team so distant on their own forum?

The only theory I can come up with is that Studio One came out when forums started to fade away and its users never got into the habit of going there, but still, I'm not sure it can explain everything.

I was gonna post a quippy thing about corporate nonsense, but then I suddenly remembered weird Al explained it a lot better than I could:

That's the long and short of it
The backing sound is that er'... Carry On... Four Way Street CSN&Y
The musical parody is based on Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.
The musical parody is based on Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.
Nah, I beg to differ. If you listen to the intro and compare the DejaVu Carry On intro and then listen to Suite Judy Blue Eyes intro.
QED. But it's a mashup of CSN&Y
Anyway, I think we all get the sentiment from the graphic and this is off topic. Mods delete as necessary.:sneaky:
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