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How are you getting along with Studio One Seven? Pros - Cons, development.....

Sounds good. I'll try that to see if it is an instant on/off option. My guess is when clicking play back on a cell, it will start when the grid resoultion allows. Still, a nice little way to turn it off. Thanks.
There are 3 options in the scenes playlist. Trigger, Gate and toggle and an *off* in the Quantize settings tweak them to flavour how you want it to react.
there is also a small grey square in the right hand upper corner on empty slots, that should stop any playing clip on that track.
Hope some of these things will be a way of doing what you want.
Best regards.
But yes the colours suck. Anybody have any success getting some settings that work in V7 for a LIGHT theme?
These are my settings for now

Thank you Bob - I will definitely give those settings a try!
Well - That is certainly much better, Bob - Thanks for sharing those settings. I find overall many of the colours in V7 are washed out compared with V6. I thought maybe it was monitor settings, or my lighting (though it IS definitely correlated to my aging eyes :() But I've compared V6 to 7 and what works in 6 doesn't in 7 at least for me. Most of my trouble stems from the eye piercing brightness choices the V7 developers used for the event blocks/loop visualizations, as already pointed out by Vocalpoint in the old forum and earlier in this thread. It really seems that V7 favours a Dark theme so I tried the dark settings above (which look nice too but I have always preferred a light theme). Thanks again for sharing, Bob. It's my new favourite preset.
Sadly I've had to go back to Studio One 6.

I mostly use Softube plugins with my Console 1 and CPU usage is unusually high with the same projects 😥 Anyone else seeing this?

I did spend a few days with v7 and so many nice little improvements. I can't wait to try the new major features.
Here's my experience:
The first thing I really liked was the event appearance. So clear now to see what's selected and where the event gain is. For my workflow it's a huge improvement.
Then the Stem Separation. I have a Fadr account for that and still use it, but to quickly get a vocal out, or a drums stem for analysis (playing in a coverband with a very stubborn drummer and this lets me show him clearly that he is wrong most of the time, lol) is a huge time saver if I don't have to first export the file, import in Fadr, have it separate the stems, then download and import.
The tempo detection also has come in handy a few times, although unfortunately the moments I really need it is on material that is too hard to have detected by software. Guitar strums for example, too many elements that can be mistaken for a transient.
Being able to detach the browser is another win for me. When I'm away I work on a laptop and it's great to now have the mixer full screen and then call up the browser to select effects.
The loop tool is another one I never thought I needed. Simply drag out the event or set it to loop is much quicker than pressing D many times. I don't do loop based music most of the time, but it's even nice when recording acoustical instruments. I don't like to use a click track for guidance, instead using loops of a shaker or other percussion to make the recording process feel more organic. I still need to try the launcher for this, because that would probably be even faster.
Global Transpose is also great, although I already have a habit of deciding on that before even recording one note.

Not an actual downside compared to the previous version, but I would like some more features for the Show Page.
Sadly I've had to go back to Studio One 6.

I mostly use Softube plugins with my Console 1 and CPU usage is unusually high with the same projects 😥 Anyone else seeing this?

I did spend a few days with v7 and so many nice little improvements. I can't wait to try the new major features.
Did you report this? To both Presonus and Softube?
I use a MK 2 Softube Console One and have not seen any problems in Ver 7.
During the first run of ver 7 it did baulk whilst doing it's virgin plugin scan and sat stuck for a while and a warning was issued,
which I cancelled, after that all went OK.
All appears OK on my system with ver 7 with the MK2 .
There are 3 options in the scenes playlist. Trigger, Gate and toggle and an *off* in the Quantize settings tweak them to flavour how you want it to react.
there is also a small grey square in the right hand upper corner on empty slots, that should stop any playing clip on that track.
Hope some of these things will be a way of doing what you want.
Best regards.
Thanks, I haven't got there yet, as while I was putting the finishing touches on a song, I went and wrote another song. Whooda thunk it!
I will check the three options though, and TY for mentioning. Appreciated!
"The tempo detection also has come in handy a few times, although unfortunately the moments I really need it is on material that is too hard to have detected by software. Guitar strums for example, too many elements that can be mistaken for a transient."
I can see that being an issue. It would be nice if a marker could be placed on an event with chords to define one place to mark. Then Tempo Detect could position to such a marker along with its other natural tempo marking.

That said, you can control transient resolution, bit I see your point. Tempo Detect chases any transients it sees. Hopefully, in the future, there is a way to scale transient detection.

Your other alternative would be to detect tempo based on some other instrument, such as perhaps drums or bass. Just a thought.
Thanks, I haven't got there yet, as while I was putting the finishing touches on a song, I went and wrote another song. Whooda thunk it!
I will check the three options though, and TY for mentioning. Appreciated!
Well you must be enjoying V7 and when those creative juices flow ya just gotta drink, they can be so fleeting.

It will soon be the 1st maintenance update, is it time ? to play 🥳 "Guess the new features Bingo"🥳 ...
More tools in the Launcher and refining the Beat detection. ☺️
Well you must be enjoying V7 and when those creative juices flow ya just gotta drink, they can be so fleeting.

It will soon be the 1st maintenance update, is it time ? to play 🥳 "Guess the new features Bingo"🥳 ...
More tools in the Launcher and refining the Beat detection. ☺️
I'm getting the feeling there will be no maintenance updates, just the updates for new features (which would obviously include bug fixes).
I do like the upgrade but it's not a huge difference, honestly. The colors suck but it feels stable enough. I've had a few issues with opening an event FX and S1 believes I double clicked the add event FX button, so a plugin automatically loads, but other than that it's been okay.
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Hey ianaeillo, I didn't know you made it over. Glad that you did!
Yes, I'm noticing more about the version 7 colors. Both from any highlighted event, and the lack of track color difference. For example, 6 different shades of yellow, show up as..... well.....yellow! No real gradient change. A little odd. On the mixer, I never color channels as I prefer a real mixer look with only the bottom strip displaying the relevant color. That seems OK.

Another oddity I'm seeing is if I duplicate or copy sections for example off of the arrangement track to another location. It used to be instant in doing so (revealing non destructive editing). Now, it takes about a second or three as if it's printing the audio parts over again, when all it should be doing is duplicating. Even a short display of it writing the audio. I find that a bit odd, as Ive been used to seeing Studio One do this always the same simple way for ever. Now, it's seems to be tasked to stamp new audio parts when it shouldn't. I'll continue to monitor this in another new song and if it's constant, I'll create a subject on noticable v7 difference. Otherwise, it would only get buried here. But it's worth noting to watch for. Now that I think about it, I'll check the audio pool later to see if it's literally writing another clip. The experience still seems strange, and slower doing so.

All in all, I'm liking the "new", but seeing traces of wtf?

Always appreciate your points, Ian.
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I'm getting the feeling there will be no maintenance updates, just the updates for new features (which would obviously include bug fixes).

There will be a LOT of bad vibes if this is the case.

There are a lot of issues with v7.0.0 that need attention now - not in Q1 2025 - which is the first "scheduled" new feature drop per that keynote video from late September.

If we go "by the book" - the first maintenance releases for S1 v5 and S1 v6 - were 5 weeks after the initial X.0.0 launch - and always on a Tuesday.

For v7 - today is that Tuesday - let's see if history plays nice (or not)

I'm getting the feeling there will be no maintenance updates, just the updates for new features (which would obviously include bug fixes).
Well.....hopefully they fix the COLOURS......soonish! (🙂)

Well.....hopefully they fix the COLOURS......soonish! (🙂)

That's my biggest issue. Have stayed in v6 for my client VO work due to this. It is literally unusable.

Someone is asleep at the wheel, looks like this new direction has changed more than folk think or imagined.
There will be a LOT of bad vibes if this is the case.

There are a lot of issues with v7.0.0 that need attention now - not in Q1 2025 - which is the first "scheduled" new feature drop per that keynote video from late September.

If we go "by the book" - the first maintenance releases for S1 v5 and S1 v6 - were 5 weeks after the initial X.0.0 launch - and always on a Tuesday.

For v7 - today is that Tuesday - let's see if history plays nice (or not)

Way to stay on them Vocalpoint. Let's give it about a week (to tweak). Let's say, next Monday. Then we can post a compiled list of these ver. 7 issues much like the old version X is now released thread. That should make it visible. OR, if there is a lot of back and forth on each subject, perhaps Lukas can create such a suggestion room/place for each of those subject threads as he sees fit. It shouldnt be too many issues though, yet they're obviously all important. I'm guessing the subjects are something like:
[Color or GUI]
•color control panel differences,
•color gradient not always discernable,
•over bright highlight on selected event

[MIDI inconsistancy from earlier versions]
Inability to "range" select higher velocity tips of MIDI notes and be able to have only those be selected (and adjusted).

[Other] Etc, etc.

I know Presonus doesn't look here, but we can have someone hang glide it into the Presonus Studio One compound, or where it will receive attention.

Good to see you, btw!
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