Hi and welcomeHi Lukas! James from the video here. Thank you for your feedback! Just wanted to chime in and clarify a couple of things in case others come across this. (These are all in the follow-up video in a reply above, but I totally understand not everyone wants to watch a video and/or give the video a view count.)

That's my point exactly.First, the goal of the video is about how each DAW performs on 4 generations of Pro chips, and how that can affect purchasing decisions.
It's not about comparing the DAWs and which DAW is better.
Now, I understand that I myself made comparisons of different DAWs' performances in multiple occasions in the video, and I fully acknowledge that that was not a good move. It muddies up the actual purpose of the video. Comparison is fun, and I just got carried over looking at the test data.
DAWs have different features and settings and sometimes different names for the same functions. When users watch your video, you have to assume that the vast majority of them are completely inexperienced in this field (there are very few true experts). Even experienced Cubase or Studio One users don't necessarily know what REAPER AFX is all about. If this is not explained accordingly and parts of the video appear to be a comparison, then I consider this very misleading. And I think that as a YouTuber with a certain number of followers, you have a certain responsibility in terms of how content is perceived and what the main message is.
A huge problem is when the video is shared on Facebook with a comment that incorrectly summarises the video (as a DAW performance comparison) and people then (due to a lack of patience or interest) don't even watch the video (or not in full), but only believe the simple statement that people reduce it to. This is not your fault at first, but unfortunately you have to expect this with such technically detailed videos.
Hence my criticism.
Thanks @jameszhan for chiming in.