Some scripts can be injected by copying them to "C:\Program Files\PreSonus\Studio One 7\Scripts" (if this is your app folder), but scripts in this folder are technically not installed, and they will be overwritten with any new Studio One update.
Hi Lukas,
I was wondering if you could give me just the slightest bit of help or direction to get my scripts to show up in Studio One. I know you're not able to divulge any confidential info. I'm simply just trying to get the basic Hello_world script working with Studio One but not having much luck.
Most of the available info online about creating your own scripts has disappeared but I have found some things, such as the functions.js file that's floating around out there. Currently I'm just trying to get
this simple Hello_world script to run but it's not showing up in Studio One.
My understanding is that the metainfo.xml, classfactory.xml, and js source files need to be zipped, and then the .zip extension needs to be changed to .package, and then the .package placed into the \Scripts folder. Is this correct or am I missing a major step here when creating the .package file?
Any existing .package files I've been able to find out there are just blocks of hex, or obsfuscated in some way, which makes me think I'm obviously missing something by just renaming my zipped files to .package, but I'm really not sure the correct way to create the .package. The thing is, I did get this to work years ago but can't remember how. I think I had some help from folks on the old Presonus forum.
Anyway, appreciate any help you can offer!