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Solved Studio One Pro 7 Pro Gridlines Request


New member
Can we get something like this?

Grind Lines.pngGridlines 2.png
Last edited:
Graph Paper Look.jpg

This is the closest I could come to the "graph paper" look.
No problem - under the Appearance tab:


Hue Shift = 327
Saturation = 100%
Luminance = -2%
Contrast = 28%


Luminance = 60%
Contrast = 99%

Of course, this also changes the appearance of other aspects of the user interface. Play around with the settings until you get the look you want.

To have a solid block for MIDI notes, in the Edit view, choose Part for Note Color. In increase the number of vertical grid lines, choose 1/32 for Quantize. Hope this helps!
I still would like to see some improvement from PreSonus in this area. I'm not sure if they even visit these forums. Does anybody know if they do? Does anybody know where we can leave feedback for PreSonus?