Sound Variations is Studio One's articulation management system. It's very powerful and considered as the easiest-to-use system on the market.
Here is a selection of video on Sound Variations:
For the complete list of Sound Variation tutorials:
Here is a selection of video on Sound Variations:
Studio One 5.2 - Sound Variations with Vienna Symphonic Library
Composer and Studio One Software Specialist Lukas Ruschitzka walks you through how to use Sound Variations with Vienna Symphonic Library's Synchron Player.
Everything You Need To Know About Sound Variations in PreSonus Studio One
What are Sound Variations? Studio One Software Specialist Lukas Ruschitzka gives answers to the most frequently asked questions on Sound Variations in PreSon...
How to assign Sound Variations incredibly fast | PreSonus Studio One Tutorial
In this video, Lukas Ruschitzka shows two methods to assign Sound Variations incredibly fast in PreSonus Studio One 50:26 Assigning Sound Variations - Method...
Using the Stream Deck with Studio One for Composing + Sound Variations
My tricks for using the Stream Deck with Studio One for composing and music production: Navigation, track visibility, MIDI editing and articulation switching...
How to use Cubase Expression Maps and Patch Scripts in Studio One
This video shows how to load Cubase Expression Maps, Cubase Patch Scripts and Cakewalk Instrument Definition Files into Studio One using Studio One Toolbox.S...
How to Create Sound Variations in less than 2 Minutes | PreSonus Studio One Tutorial
In this video we'll take a look at Studio One's Sound Variation Editor and why it's so powerful.Let's create Sound Variations in less than 2 Minutes!________...
For the complete list of Sound Variation tutorials:
Sound Variation Tutorials | Studio One Toolbox
Studio One Toolbox - Free online tools and scripting add-ons for Studio One users. Our Tutorial Database includes more than 500 free Studio One video tutorials!