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SO6 pro - issue


New member
Hello, I have some problems with my SO6 pro. My aplication is frozen frome time to time. I don't know why. This issue is on So6 and so7demo version. O try to reinstall app but there is no different. Maybe someone know how to solved this problem.
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/12G8Ue9Tefx/ this is my issue.
I have FlStudio and everythig works fine.

AMD ryzen 5 5600, 32RAM ssd lextar , crucial, was checked
Hi Cyrus,

you have linked to a private FB group. Please describe your problem here in the forum.

Also, please add a meaningful title for your thread (section 3.4 of the rules). The thread title should give some first insight into what kind of issue the thread is about.

Thank you!
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OK, I think I solved the problem. I try to change the graphics card but nothing happens.

I download new drivers for the graphics card, but nothing happens.

Then I looked at the midi/audio connection in SO and removed the faderport and Arturia keyboard. Then I connect everything again, but without permission to control the DAW for Arturia. and suddenly everything works. I will keep an eye on whether the problem returns