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So, are the triangle instruments the same?


New member
I've been fiddling with the new Cinematic Lights instrument by Presonus today and although I love the samples, presets etc. I couldn't help to notice that this "new" instrument has the exact same UI, features and engine as Lead Architect and Deep Flight One. Other than the background picture and color everything looks and works the same in all three.

I don't want to think ill of Presonus -although I have no problem thinking ill of the Fender corporation-, but this does seem very odd to me, specially seeing that it isn't clarified anywhere on the marketing material that these are new sample packs/presets. Someone commented about this on the youtube video by Gregor and this is how he responded: "Different Samples, Sounds and Loops with an entirely different theme = Completely different & new Sound possibilities. -GBY". We all love Gregor but c'mon bro. I don't think it's his fault but he didn't even address the comment (which was about the UI being the same as LA).

I know there hasn't been quarterly update yet (Presonus promised 3 or 4 of those per year) so this doesn't count as a new feature as advertised, but it just doesn't look good to me. Why wouldn't they release the rompler once and then the sample packs as what they are? Why make new "instruments" out of each sample pack? Will they release a "new" impact clone every time they want to upload new drum pack and call it "Rock Legends" or something? Why market it as different instruments when everybody can tell they're not? I don't know any Studio One user that would have a problem with these just being sample packs, and even paying for them.

Am I crazy or this looks a bit disingenuous? What do you guys think is going on?
What you're describing is very similar to the Native Instruments Play series, where they skin the Kontakt engine, and macro up the controls to make it easier to use with a defined set of samples. The sample set and chosen controls are designed to target a specific genre or use case - ambient, techno, lofi, etc. And you could argue that Toontrack's SDX and EZX drum libraries are the same kind of thing.

I'm guessing here, but I can come up with a rationale. I think that there's a perception in the minds of some people that instruments have value, sample packs much less. Also, the flexibility of a full fledged sampler can lead to daunting complexity for some people who just want to play.
I've been fiddling with the new Cinematic Lights instrument by Presonus today and although I love the samples, presets etc. I couldn't help to notice that this "new" instrument has the exact same UI, features and engine as Lead Architect and Deep Flight One. Other than the background picture and color everything looks and works the same in all three.

I don't want to think ill of Presonus -although I have no problem thinking ill of the Fender corporation-, but this does seem very odd to me, specially seeing that it isn't clarified anywhere on the marketing material that these are new sample packs/presets. Someone commented about this on the youtube video by Gregor and this is how he responded: "Different Samples, Sounds and Loops with an entirely different theme = Completely different & new Sound possibilities. -GBY". We all love Gregor but c'mon bro. I don't think it's his fault but he didn't even address the comment (which was about the UI being the same as LA).

I know there hasn't been quarterly update yet (Presonus promised 3 or 4 of those per year) so this doesn't count as a new feature as advertised, but it just doesn't look good to me. Why wouldn't they release the rompler once and then the sample packs as what they are? Why make new "instruments" out of each sample pack? Will they release a "new" impact clone every time they want to upload new drum pack and call it "Rock Legends" or something? Why market it as different instruments when everybody can tell they're not? I don't know any Studio One user that would have a problem with these just being sample packs, and even paying for them.

Am I crazy or this looks a bit disingenuous? What do you guys think is going on?
To be fair, Gregor describes Cinematic Lights, both at the beginning and end of his video as "hybrid virtual instrument". Not "new instrument". So it's largely based around the foundation of those other recent sample player instruments, of which I forgot the name. Ah yes, Lead Architect, and Deep Flight One (I try to forget these offerings for reasons I won't go into here).

The reason I think it's fair is similar to how Native Instruments, or others build on Kontakt. Kontakt makes up the framework for a good number of Native Instrument offerings. Their strumming guitars are basically the same, yet the samples are different. Same with the drum layouts to one another, piano families, etc. All with the same basic architecture. Remember, Native Instruments doesn't offer a DAW. So they can focus on their various sample library, synth, and orchestral stuff. Other sample libraries are similar. It's just easier at times for a DAW manufacturer to think they can "wooh the puplic" with easy instrument-like extras. Don't make too much of it. There's likely other actual goodies to come.

Don't look to Presonus to do it all. There's already a lot to like, but the best ingredients are from one's own imagination. I've never heard people ever say, wow, I'm able to write anything now due to that last DAW release we got!
Just a perspective is all.
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Pure speculation, but...if there's even a chance PreSonus would want to spin off the "triangle" instruments as stand-alone PreSonus Hub plugins for other DAW users, each instrument would need visual differentiation. Also, buying individual instruments instead of an engine+sample pack is a simpler buying process for consumers.

I do think that 7.1 justifies being a "quarterly update." Some of the new features/improvements are very welcome, adding a new instrument is significant given the effort that went into the samples and presets, and there are a lot of bug fixes.
Ah, I'm reminded to update to version 7.1. Thanks for that.
Yeah, from reading the update notes provided by Lukas, this is defeninately a quarterly update. So Studio One does seem to be keeping to the promise of such things. I do recall seeing some addition to the clip launcher so I'll update Studio One tomorrow.
Cool beans!

To chichogb [OP], I don't believe Presonus have been disingenuous on their recent instrument Cinimatic Lights, or the 7.1 release. That said, I'm not going to sit idly by and not insist they fix a few nuts and bolts features to better elevate their DAW. Of two I'll throw out there.
Studio One still need these improvements
Autoscroll needs to have full manual on/off override. Not auto start after stop, change of timeline scale, or other ways. Not having true override of autoscroll, truly gets in the way when numerous edits are being performed. Editing is a fundamental part of any DAW.

change the instrument meter on/off indicator (orange pseudo like level meter) on the tracks to display actual instrument velocity level. Since Studio One's inception (actually since the Kristal Audio Engine), it's been this way and does not indicate the strike level that would be a far greater indicator of both level, or changing timbre.

This would be a great way to signal Presonus' commitment to Studio One improvements.
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