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Routing Outputs to External Mixer


New member
I mix using a hardware summing mixer (RND 5059) and would like to route all of the outputs of Studio One to the inputs on that device. Thus track one to input one on the mixer, etc. including the left and rights ouputs of a reverb bus to the left and right inputs of a hardware reverb (with the outputs of the reverb to two inputs on the mixer. I am new to Studio One, and can't see how to do this. BTW I have a 16 channel I/O converter.

Welcome to the Forum!
More specific details are needed... what audio interface are you using with Studio One?
Please update your signature (see link and example in mine) with your system specs as that helps in answering questions.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with those audio hardware products but maybe someone else here is...
Have you contacted Support from where you purchased those products?
Paid versions of Studio One can have as many individual inputs and outputs as your interface is offering, so the interface is the limiting factor.

The basic steps are:
  1. Make the Aurora your Studio One playback and recording device.
  2. Open a new song, I suggest you try a few song templates like the StudioLive 16r Session for a good starting point
  3. In the Song open the Audio I/O Setup and check the Aurora's input and output mapping against the song's track I/O
  4. Connect the Aurora's analog inputs and outputs to your RND 5059 and other hardware as you see fit.
As always the devil is in the detail. I can't tell what you have in mind exactly wrt. what needs to go where. With experience you can tailor the song to create your own template so you have to set up the I/O only once. Let us know how you fare :)