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Record autonomous synth to audio track?


New member
I've got the Kaivo soft synth on a Studio One 6 Pro Arranger track. Under some conditions, this synth generates sounds autonomously and continuously, without the need for a key press. I'm trying to record, say, 10 seconds of its output to an audio track in my mix.

I've got one insert on the Kaivo Arranger track, ShaperBox 3, which is doing some dynamic panning of the sound.

I created a new stereo audio track, which I've labeled "Kaivo Audio". Then I clicked on the box above "Main Out" in this track's mixer channel strip, clicked on "Instruments" and then clicked on the Kaivo instrument track to (I think) route the Kaivo output to this audio track.

I set Record on this new audio track and let it run for 10 seconds. This *seemed* to work. But the resulting audio sounds harsh and distorted. It does have some dynamic panning, so that part worked.

I'd like the recorded audio to sound exactly like the output generated directly from the Kaivo instrument. What do I need to do for that to happen?

You may have to use realtime processing to capture the instrument correctly. Also note that where you can't really clip audio inside Studio One you can clip audio when committing to file, so make sure that your levels are in check.
HI Eric,
You could create an audio track, then in the Input field, select the track containing your Kaivo as it will be listed when you select that input.
Then, be sure to arm record and monitor on the audio track. You should then see that tracks meters displaying the level of the Kaivo if it's set to play (randomly or otherwise).

Then just select to record. That's it!

I often record some Native Instruments Reaktor synth/sampler instruments that randomly playback on their own. Pretty cool and often usable. 👍
You won't experience latency, if you adhere to a few simple checks, as you're probably aware of. If so, report back. Good luck.