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Recommendations on how to mark the dynamics of an orchestral piece on the song page


New member
I typically use Markers for different sections of the song but I recently started doing more composing in Studio One and one thing I think would help me is to note down what dynamic each section is played at, where the crescendos and diminuendos are.

Does anyone do this today? If so I'm curious how you approach it. I really wish there was a notes section in the global track visibility area because this would be extremely helpful to denote what instrument or section is taking the lead/driving the movement, what dynamics it should be played at.

Any and all suggestions are welcome!
(EDIT - I assumed you're not referring to the score view, in which case, disregard. You mentioned using markers so I assumed you were talking about the song page/arrangement view.) If you're not using the arranger track for other purposes (I use it almost exclusively for conventional (verse, chorus, bridge, solo) song sections for most of what I do, I think this could work well for your purposes. Nice thing is if you use markers, you can create arranger sections from the markers, then edit the text in the arrangement section to better suit your purposes. Sections can be coloured, etc.
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Since there's no feature that allows you to add notes at a specific point in time, we can only try to find workarounds.

One workaround I use from time to time is to use the Lyrics Track for additional markers, notes, to-dos, etc.

lyrics track.png


- The Lyrics Track is global, so it's always visible, even when you scroll through your tracks.
- It can be time-based or beat-based (follows tempo changes)
- If you want, you can open the lyrics display to view and edit longer notes.
- You can have global lyrics or per-track lyrics, which gives you separate layers of notes, at least for instrument tracks.

Still a workaround, but maybe not the worst.
Since there's no feature that allows you to add notes at a specific point in time, we can only try to find workarounds.

One workaround I use from time to time is to use the Lyrics Track for additional markers, notes, to-dos, etc.

View attachment 354


- The Lyrics Track is global, so it's always visible, even when you scroll through your tracks.
- It can be time-based or beat-based (follows tempo changes)
- If you want, you can open the lyrics display to view and edit longer notes.
- You can have global lyrics or per-track lyrics, which gives you separate layers of notes, at least for instrument tracks.

Still a workaround, but maybe not the worst.
Brilliant. I may look into considering switching markers as tags and relying on the arranger track for what it's made for. Lyrics is a fantastic idea! Appreciate this insight!