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Solved Quantum ES2 failed firmware update and now won't connect


New member
Hi all. Basically what the title says; I recently bought a new ES2. I connected it up to my Win 11 PC and all was well until it asked for a firmware update through Universal Controller. The update took forever on a pretty decent fibre Internet connection, and when it was complete the unit would no longer connect over USB - the connection light is a steady red and Windows can't see the unit.

I have a ticket with Presonus, but they're pretty slow and so far they've not come up with anything useful other than to start the unit with the fader button pushed in. That results in the button flashing blue, but no other useful behaviour! Is there a way of factory resetting the unit? I've searched the net, but this problem seems to be very rare and I've found no reset procedure.
Per the manual...

ES Recovery.png

Make sure the USB-C port you're plugging into provides adequate power...

ES Power.png
Hi Trucky. Thanks for your response. I managed to sort the issue late last night.

In fact the problem was that Universal Control was itself corrupted.

Having tried the reset procedure (as per the manual) several times with no success other than a flashing blue knob - as I described earlier - I moved the ES2 unit to another computer back in my house that was also running UC. That computer recognised and updated the ES2 within seconds. I brought the now-updated ES2 back to the studio computer, but it still refused to recognise the unit. After a prompt from Kyle at Tech Support, I did a repair (no joy!) then uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Microsoft C++ app in add/remove programs. That didn't work either. I then uninstalled UC, restarted the computer and reinstalled UC. Bingo!

I'm aware of the power demand of the ES2 unit being more than the computer's USB bus may deliver. From the start I used a separate wall-wart PSU into the Aux USB-C socket, as suggested in the manual. After clearing the problem, I tried the ES2 on a powered USB-C hub with a single connection to the ES2. That worked just fine. The home computer that I used to update the unit after I had the delayed brainwave gave sufficient power over USB-C. As per the manual, the clue that the unit is underpowered is the USB icon flashing red. If it's a steady red the unit has sufficient power, but is not being recognised by UC.
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Glad to hear it's working now!