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Quantum 26x36 distortion


New member
Never had the problem when recording, but when live-streaming from Quantum (2 chained together) -> Logic Pro -> OBS, we sometimes get horrible distortion. Not clicks or pops, but distorted "robotic" voices. It doesn't happen all the time, so very difficult to repeat the problem consistently. The only fix is to turn off both Quantums, then turn them back on again. Last night, while streaming, we'd get through about 1 or 2 songs and it would start distorting again.

2x Quantum 26x36 (normally works fine using 16 mic inputs, so how it's chained together should not be the issue)

Mac M1 Max 32gb
OS Sonoma 14.5

Logic 11.0.1
I/O buffer 128
Core audio checked.
Everything else set pretty much to default.

Any ideas?
Thanks all.
Sample rate: Check that everything (interfaces, system sound, all apps) is on the same page, either 44.1kHz or 48kHz. Also with multiple interfaces check who's master and set the others to drift correction (in Audio Midi Setup).

Feedback can be feedback in the system (outputs straight to inputs) or it can be thru air (someone turning up the mic or the monitor level). Mute all and one by one see if the bad sound goes away. System feedback is harder to find but unlikely if everything is fine at first.
Sample rate: Check that everything (interfaces, system sound, all apps) is on the same page, either 44.1kHz or 48kHz. Also with multiple interfaces check who's master and set the others to drift correction (in Audio Midi Setup).

Feedback can be feedback in the system (outputs straight to inputs) or it can be thru air (someone turning up the mic or the monitor level). Mute all and one by one see if the bad sound goes away. System feedback is harder to find but unlikely if everything is fine at first.
Thanks. Definitely not audio feedback - definitely a digital thing. We don't hear it in the room - it's only what's going out on the live stream (room sound is just vocals through an analog console) - so we only know about it when folks comment on the stream.

I set all this up a while ago and has worked fine for a couple of years - so maybe something got changed internally - will check the kHz etc thank you!
When using 2 TB Quantums you HAVE to use wordclock. One is clock master, the other is wordclock slave.
ADAT clock should also work but WC will have less jitter.
When using 2 TB Quantums you HAVE to use wordclock. One is clock master, the other is wordclock slave.
ADAT clock should also work but WC will have less jitter.
I have Quantum 1 set to Internal, Quantum 2 set to Worldclock. Should they both be set to Worldclock?
No, there should always be one master and the rest is slave. So that does not seem to be the issue. The slave system shows it clocks to WC in UC?
No, there should always be one master and the rest is slave. So that does not seem to be the issue. The slave system shows it clocks to WC in UC?

I set this up a few years ago, so I don't remember where I got the instructions, but I have Thunderbolt from Quantum 1 to my computer. Thunderbolt from Q1 to Q2 AND BNC Clock cable. I believe this is coorect?