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Solved Presence - Big String Section-KS possible issue?

Presence - PSO Contemporary Strings - {preset} Big String Section - KS

Can anyone else that has the PSO Contemporary Strings loaded please check all of the articulations (sound variations) at input note velocities that are consistent & fixed and tell me if the Staccato articulation is just WAAAAYYY too loud, or if it is just my patch installation.
If so, there may be an error in the script editor engine for that articulation.
@Lukas ? @Trucky ? DM if you would like to see my song file showing the issue.

Screenshot of Arrange & Edit page

The STACCATO event clips the output in audition, and it is blatantly obvious after rendering to audio:
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Seriously... no one is willing to either confirm or deny this issue? (I would like to report this to official support, but need confirmation first).

Only happens in this one patch.
Even if I ramp the velocity from zero to 100 at 10% intervals, the Staccato articulation is clipping by the time it is at 30%.
This generally means that the script is missing level settings in the velocity layers of the instrument patch.
Hi and welcome to the forum,

I have just tested this with PSO and cannot say that staccato in "Big String Section - KS" is significantly louder than pizzicato, for example.

How long have you had PSO installed? I'm asking because there was a bugfix update for PSO in 2019 that also included some velocity layer fixes. So if you've actually had the Soundset installed for longer than April 2019, you should update your Soundset (PSO Classic Orchestra and PSO Contemporary Strings).
Just loaded Presence & all Soundsets in January of 2025.
The particular issue is really not seeming normal on my system, as the Staccato articulation in that (and only that) patch starts clipping at a velocity level of 30%. That doesn't seem anywhere near normal to me.
I received your song file via PM. Indeed in your song the staccato articulation is much louder than the other keyswitches. However, when I load the same Big String Section - KS preset from the browser, all the articulations have more or less consistent volume.

Perhaps we don't have the same version of PSO.
It's all controlled by modulation which is not typical, but you can control it there. It sounds fine here when I adjust the level in that range.

At any rate, you should grab BBC Orchestra Discover. It's free and arguably better sounding overall.
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I received your song file and indeed in your song the staccato articulation is much louder than the other keyswitches. However, when I load the same Big String Section - KS preset from the browser, all the articulations have more or less consistent volume.

Perhaps we don't have the same version of PSO.
I cannot seem to find any specific details on the version of the PSO Contemporary Strings Soundset other than the fact that I downloaded and installed it on January 8, 2025.
PSO Cont Deets.png
It's all controlled by modulation which is not typical, but you can control it there. It sounds fine here when I adjust the level in that range.

At any rate, you should grab BBC Orchestra Discover. It's free and arguably better sounding overall.
My test was done with the Presence engine Global volume at unity, Velocity control at 100, no Modulation applied.
On all of the other articulations in this particular patch, MOD Wheel has some effect on the expression level of the articulation EXCEPT for Staccato.
Extremely low velocities of that articulation will make it usable, but it starts to clip at about 30% Vel setting.
Pls note when I DL & installed this Soundset (post above).
This soundset/patch prior to the release of SO V7.0.1 may not exhibit this issue.
I'm trying to find someone who may be willing to DL my Version of the Soundset, backup their existing, and test this. (I have it on two studio machines, and it reacts same on both).
If the Soundset wasn't locked, I would go into the script and edit it myself...:cautious:

Obviously, the work around is to go back, select any notes/articulations that use Staccato in this full orch patch and reduce velo to 10-20% after sketching a mockup, but it makes it surprising/irritating when tracking IRT.
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Oh, duh> Thx. Looks like I may have an older version. Any idea on how I can get the updated (newer) version?
You can see the file date in the bottom of the browser.

View attachment 415
Oh, duh> Thx. Looks like I may have an older version. Any idea on how I can get the updated (newer) version?

When I DL'd the PSO, I did it from mypresonus.com/my products using a mobile computer from a faster ISP location cuz I had a temporary bandwidth limit issue at the time. I did not use the Studio One/Studio One Installation from inside the application. That may explain it.

If I use the in-app DL, uninstall PSO Contemporary Strings soundset, and then close, reboot, delete using Explorer, and reinstall from in-app, that should be the trick, right? Or is there a regedit that needs to happen as well?
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OK. No joy.
I just uninstalled PSO Contemporary, rebooted SO7, DL'd the PSO Contemporary Strings from inside the application, and ended up with the same dated version as I posted above. [Modified 11.2.2017 17:13:52].
Issue still exists as before.
Yes, this is weird. Here's my screenshot:

big string section.png

It seems that Gray Wolf and I have a newer version of PSO than you, even though you just recently downloaded the soundset.

I also happen to know that the staccato volume was fixed in an update of PSO Contemporary Strings that was released in early 2019. So it could be this exact issue that you have encountered here.

I will report this to PreSonus.
I will report this to PreSonus.
Thanks! I'm glad that my grey matter wasn't playing tricks on me. Strange that my downloads from both locations would end up with older versions.
I made a report to support as well just shortly before I saw your reply.
@OutrageProductions - Please update your signature (see link) with your system specs.
That helps the rest of us provide responses without having to guess plus it saves you the trouble of having to include those details with a post.

I see you're storing soundsets on your E: drive.
What paths are assigned for them on your system?

Soundsets Locations.png
@OutrageProductions - Please update your signature (see link) with your system specs.
That helps the rest of us provide responses without having to guess plus it saves you the trouble of having to include those details with a post.

I see you're storing soundsets on your E: drive.
What paths are assigned for them on your system?
I have my CV/system specs posted in the <about me> and <signature> sections of my profile... that was done when I first signed on to this forum, so they should be available.
All my Studio One files [soundsets, songs, projects, et al] (sans the application & VSTi/VST's on C: system boot) are located on an Internal 2Tb E:\ drive and were purposely directed there during installation. Everything works from that location just fine.
I keep all my client video edits on 2Tb HD D:\, NI/Spitfire/EW/VSL sample libraries on an 2Tb M4-Nvma (F:\) & 2Tb HD G:\ is for temp/scratch/misc stuff.
This ain't my first rodeo.
It seems that Gray Wolf and I have a newer version of PSO than you, even though you just recently downloaded the soundset.

I also happen to know that the staccato volume was fixed in an update of PSO Contemporary Strings that was released in early 2019. So it could be this exact issue that you have encountered here.

I will report this to PreSonus.
Yes, I installed mine in Dec. 2024 and my date's the same as @OutrageProductions so please let us know if there's a newer version to download.
