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Solved Open/close folders


New member
Hi Lukas,

Looking forward to your "open/ close ALL folders" macro in the future!!
Sorry, I don't know what you refer to.

- No discussion posts - just 1 or 2 macros per post, to keep the thread clear and valuable. If you want to start a discussion about a macro that has been posted here (and for any "offtopic" post), just start a new thread.
Back on the old forum, I asked if there was a macro to open/close ALL folders and you said that you were working on one...
I use a Streamdeck and have one button that collapses all folders and one that shows all tracks (plus a bunch of others that control which tracks I see). I feel I can almost do anything I imagine...
Thx... I guess at the time you were in the process of creating the button for the Streamdeck and not a S1 macro
Thx... I guess at the time you were in the process of creating the button for the Streamdeck and not a S1 macro
Streamdeck just issues keyboard shortcuts. So you can make a macro to do what you want and trigger the macro by a Keyboard Shortcut or a button in the macro panel.

There is already a Keyboard Shortcut (or 'command') to close all folders; it's called Collapse All Tracks.

I have made macros to 'show' tracks but the basic 'show all tracks' doesn't open folders. For that you have to be a bit more specific. For example I have one that shows all non-muted tracks that WILL open folders.

Happy to help...
I wish I had saved my post from the old forum to be more specific... and you're right, the issue is it doesn't open all folders...
Thanks for your reply
I have those macros, they have to be two as it doesn't work as a toggle. I don't recall where I got them but the description says "by André Masterati" and there's a URL, so it might've been from Exchange or some youtube tutorial. They go like this:

[Collapse All Folder]
- Navigation|First track
- Navigation|Last track extend
- Track|Expand folder track ("0")
- Navigation|First track
- Edit|Deselect all

[Expand All Folder]
- Navigation|First track
- Navigation|Last track extend
- Track|Expand folder track ("1")
- Navigation|First track
- Edit|Deselect all

As you can see they're the same except Collapse sets the expand folder track command to 0 and Expand sets it to 1. I have them mapped to ctrl+shift+alt+Enter and ctrl+shift+Enter.
Thank you chic...