the nudge value is always the current grid/quantize value. If snapping is not enabled, nudging will always happen in very small increments. You can't change this behavior.
You could take a look at the (free) Navigation Essentials add-on. It adds a Nudge Events command to Studio One that can nudge events (or notes in the editor) in different units such as beats, seconds, frames, samples. The add-on comes with predefined macros for these units, so you can create buttons or shortcuts for nudging.
Studio One Toolbox - Free online tools and scripting add-ons for Studio One users. Our Tutorial Database includes more than 500 free Studio One video tutorials!
It's demonstrated in this (somewhat over-the-top starting
) video at 1:15:
The first official scripting add-on for PreSonus Studio One is now available!Navigation Essentials is a selection of free powerful workflow tools for composi...
I hope this helps!