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Solved Multiple keyboards to one instrument/track


New member
I recently got Studio One so I'm still kinda playing around with it. I basically have 3 keyboard controllers outputting to channels 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Sometimes I might want to have 2 of the 3 play to a single track but I can't figure out how to do that. Yes, I could have the track accept input from All inputs but I may not want it to accept input from the third keyboard. I could do this with Cakewalk Sonar but I can't figure it out with Studio One.
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What is your Midi interface and how are the controllers connected. You can certainly do this. Where do you want to send the combined input tracks to? An external device or an internal synth. You have not said.
Put your specs in your signature too. Its a great idea. It helps us troubleshoot issues much better and faster.
So that could be 3 different ones or all three tracks can point to one instrument instance.
This! (y)

You can also layer this way: Create more than one track assigned to the same keyboard and point them at different instruments.
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In your instrument setup, you can filter each instrument where you want what MIDI track to be filtered. Do that appropriately for the three instrument controllers. Then you could have any track adhere to what instruments will play on that track.