Is there anyone else out there using MPE in Studio One, preferably with a Roli Seaboard Rise? This question is a ticket at support, but they bumped it up to QA and can't tell me if it's even an issue that they can reproduce, nor if/when it might be addressed.
So, I played a simple part on my Roli Seaboard Rise twice into two different AU virtual instruments set to MPE: Plasmatic and Tomofon. Playing the parts are in tune the way I want them to be (since I'm playing the controller) and recording to both a MIDI instrument track and taking that output and recording it simultaneously to a stereo audio track. In both cases here is what I found. Since the results were the same for both I think we can rule out the virtual instruments themselves, and since it never goes back to the Roli Seaboard after it sends the data to Studio One I think we can rule out the Roli as the problem.
In both cases, playing back the instrument track with all the MIDI note and controller data (including MPE data), the performance's tuning is not consistent with what was played. Something in the playback from the instrument track is not interpreting the MPE performance correctly.
In both cases, playing back the audio track captured at the time of the performance from the instrument track (while recording it) results in an accurate pitch playback, the way I intended it.
Has anyone else out there noticed this kind of issue with MPE recording and playback in Studio One? I've actually been experiencing this for some time now. I've been using a workaround hack, which I don't think is a good one, of bouncing the faulty instrument track to an audio track then editing it in Melodyne.
There is either an MPE playback issue in Studio One, or I have overlooked some setting somewhere that is preventing Studio One from interpreting MPE data correctly on playback. I set the Roli to allow glide, but set it to have a somewhat constrained effect, but it seems that constraint is missing when the instrument track plays back and the pitch floats in between notes as if the Roli was set to be 100% sensitive to glide while playing. But again, the audio I hear while playing and that gets recorded to an audio track is as I intended, but the MIDI track playback is wrong.
After speaking with support, I tried this with their synth Mai Tai, same result following the steps below (attached):
Ok, so after creating a new project, I create an instrument track with Mai Tai. Then I create a stereo audio track, with the input set to come from the instrument track just created with Mai Tai. I picked an MPE program in Mai Tai and turned off all reverb and delay in that program. I enable both to record, and then play something simple on my Roli Seaboard Rise in MPE mode.
Upon playback of both the instrument track and audio track they are very different with the audio track being as I played it, but the instrument track interpreting the pitch very differently. The video I attached first plays the audio only track which sounds as played/intended, then I unmute the instrument track and play it again.
Studio One January 30 2025 12:04:49.mp4
So, I played a simple part on my Roli Seaboard Rise twice into two different AU virtual instruments set to MPE: Plasmatic and Tomofon. Playing the parts are in tune the way I want them to be (since I'm playing the controller) and recording to both a MIDI instrument track and taking that output and recording it simultaneously to a stereo audio track. In both cases here is what I found. Since the results were the same for both I think we can rule out the virtual instruments themselves, and since it never goes back to the Roli Seaboard after it sends the data to Studio One I think we can rule out the Roli as the problem.
In both cases, playing back the instrument track with all the MIDI note and controller data (including MPE data), the performance's tuning is not consistent with what was played. Something in the playback from the instrument track is not interpreting the MPE performance correctly.
In both cases, playing back the audio track captured at the time of the performance from the instrument track (while recording it) results in an accurate pitch playback, the way I intended it.
Has anyone else out there noticed this kind of issue with MPE recording and playback in Studio One? I've actually been experiencing this for some time now. I've been using a workaround hack, which I don't think is a good one, of bouncing the faulty instrument track to an audio track then editing it in Melodyne.
There is either an MPE playback issue in Studio One, or I have overlooked some setting somewhere that is preventing Studio One from interpreting MPE data correctly on playback. I set the Roli to allow glide, but set it to have a somewhat constrained effect, but it seems that constraint is missing when the instrument track plays back and the pitch floats in between notes as if the Roli was set to be 100% sensitive to glide while playing. But again, the audio I hear while playing and that gets recorded to an audio track is as I intended, but the MIDI track playback is wrong.
After speaking with support, I tried this with their synth Mai Tai, same result following the steps below (attached):
Ok, so after creating a new project, I create an instrument track with Mai Tai. Then I create a stereo audio track, with the input set to come from the instrument track just created with Mai Tai. I picked an MPE program in Mai Tai and turned off all reverb and delay in that program. I enable both to record, and then play something simple on my Roli Seaboard Rise in MPE mode.
Upon playback of both the instrument track and audio track they are very different with the audio track being as I played it, but the instrument track interpreting the pitch very differently. The video I attached first plays the audio only track which sounds as played/intended, then I unmute the instrument track and play it again.
Studio One January 30 2025 12:04:49.mp4