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Moving my project folder


New member

I want to organise my projects folder. Is it possible to move a project folder to a sub folder without breaking anything? What should I do first?
I assume you're referring to a song folder.

Yes, you should be able to do this without any problems. Studio One song files store absolute paths, but as long as the media files are in the same folder (or any other external files have not moved outside the folder), Studio One should open them just fine.

What should I do first?
Actually, just move the song folder in Explorer, Finder or any other file manager. Then open the song with Studio One. On Studio One's Start Page, the existing song reference will be broken (right click and select "Remove from Recent Files list"), but as soon as you open the song at the new location, it will be added back to the Start Page list.
If in case you do mean project folder, yes, you can create or have several of them. With any song you then create after, on the drop down to export the song to a project, you'll see them all, depending on how many you made. In the Projects page, you can also save your project to a new location. It will default to a project sub folder, or you can create a new location. Just be aware of what your latest or intended project folder is. It's best to name the folder what your intentions are.

Example: if the project was called
"Cool Breeze"
You could add another project from the Project Page (or song) called "
Cool Breeze final master".
When you open a song, you'll have both selections to the song to your project, so it really pays to clearly name them
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Thanks for the info. I was indeed referring to the song folder.
Crashed and burned (me, that is). Then, I suggest going forward, that you mention song folder initially, as Studio One also is capable of creating Project folders. The only DAW actually that treats projects as a mastering page.