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Mixdown Start and End Markers


New member
Argh. I wish I could specify which Start and End markers to use for my Export Range.

I currently need Start -> Intro -> End. So I have to move Intro Half out of the way to accomplish this.

Sometimes I have a lot more markers for a two-hour live set.

Apologies for the mini-rant 😜 I feel better getting this out haha

Easy to delete a few (or a range of) markers, export, and then undo.

Exporting detached ranges, even if it would be possible, seems like a bad idea. Maybe the Scratchpad is the best way forward then, allowing cross-fades at the joints.
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I agree this would be helpful. I'd like more export options (such as single events or single arranger sections) as well. For "temporary ranges", I usually use the loop range.

To set the loop to the range between two markers, select the two markers and press Shift+P (Loop Selection).
Ditto on deleting (then undo) or building (scratchpad) first. You'll want to make sure the sections musically, or effectively work first. Then mixdown.

A quick way to see first audio if sections will work without having to delete or build is double click arrangement sections that match your markers. The playhead will jump to those areas. Just click just before the end of an arrangement. When you have the sequence you want, build out the parts by duplicating and dragging (alt + drag) to the scratchpad. Then mixdown from there. It's really a pretty fast method.

Launcher effectively will build out the parts as well, and you could resort to its playlist. Its just a matter of how you want to work.
But mixing by markers alone without auditioning changes is likely going to commit too early without hearing how smooth changes will be.

Lastly, if you're just looking to create some range that is continuous, simply use the loop markers instead.
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What I usually do is "Create Arranger Sections from Markers". Then I can click select the section I want to export, Shift-P to set loop to selection, then export the loop. Suspect that it would be easy to streamline with a macro.