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Macro recording


New member
Hey Lukas,
thanks for your great tutorials in general. The macros inside Studio One are a powerful tool. But on the other hand, they can become complicated to make them practicable for advanced use. But in my opinion, there could be an easy-to-make solution for this. What is the main feature in every DAW? It is to record something. I'm right? So, why not a special recording button to record every complex commands inside Studio One to get after disengage the special recording button a complete new macro sequence. I know, this looks like a feature request. But I think a well good one. You are not so far from the German Studio One developers in Hamburg away. Kick them in the ass to makes this real! :)

There is another beast for this. Sometimes there can be thousands of macros inside Studio One. To organize them is critical. Select desired macros - right click and sort to any available folder. Sometimes the computer live could be so easy if developers are able to think like a normal user. This is the biggest problem in IT business in generally. With best regards

Trommeltotti, Berlin​
I happened to be involved in the development of the Macro Toolbar a few years ago and can therefore add a few things:

Adding a "record" button would obviously not be enough for a "let's just do these steps and then turn it into a macro" experience. Not every possible action can be replicated with a Studio One command, so it's not that simple. It would require a whole new infrastructure for storing and replicating actions performed in the program.

Sometimes there can be thousands of macros inside Studio One. To organize them is critical. Select desired macros - right click and sort to any available folder.
I agree, but you can already use groups to categorize macros. In the Macro Organizer, you can sort macros by name, but also by group or description. This helps keeping similar macros together.


Additionally, you can create your own pages, groups and even submenus in the Macro Toolbar. So there are some ways to organize macros. I still agree that more convenience features in the Macro Organizer (such as a Duplicate function or some features for easier testing) would be nice. I myself use macros all the time and of course have over 1000 macros, not least related to my add-ons.
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I happened to be involved in the development of the Macro Toolbar a few years ago and can therefore add a few things:

Good to know.

Adding a "record" button would obviously not be enough for a "let's just do these steps and then turn it into a macro" experience. Not every possible action can be replicated with a Studio One command, so it's not that simple. It would require a whole new infrastructure for storing and replicating actions performed in the program.

But that would still be a phenomenal tool, which no other DAW has.

I agree, but you can already use groups to categorize macros. In the Macro Organizer, you can sort macros by name, but also by group or description. This helps keeping similar macros together.

Of course, I know the Macro Organizer in Studio One. But it is still not possible to select macros in the Macro Organizer, right-click them and choose a required Group to sort them well and fast. You have to double-click each macro and go to the "Group" column and write in the desired group manually. Even then, it is not possible to select existing groups. It is a nightmare to try organizing macros in groups when the number is in the hundreds. I can't believe that Studio One hasn't added this function yet. This is truly not a modern drag and drop philosophy.

Trommeltotti, Berlin
I can't believe that Studio One hasn't added this function yet. This is truly not a modern drag and drop philosophy.
While I agree, the macro toolbar is still an "expert" feature that very few (mostly advanced) people use. So it's hardly surprising that it doesn't get the attention many of us want.
While I agree, the macro toolbar is still an "expert" feature that very few (mostly advanced) people use. So it's hardly surprising that it doesn't get the attention many of us want.

At the latest, when you place the 'Action' selection switch on a macro page, every normal user should notice that all macros are randomly distributed in different groups if they have not been sorted into appropriate groups in advance. The macros in Studio One are a powerful tool. Therefore, they shouldn’t be too difficult to use. Especially for Studio One users who are not that experienced.

By the way, it should be mentioned that it is not possible to sort the corresponding macros into the desired sub-folders in the Win/Mac file explorer. Unfortunately, Studio One cannot recognize this self restructuring. Very unfortunate.


Trommeltotti, Berlin
Hi all, the Macros function is fantastic, I'm working on understanding how to create a macros for a feature of my previous DAW that was really convenient.
With Studio one I necessarily have to cut an audio clip to apply the audio clip editing changes.
I wanted to try to create a command to apply changes with the smart tool only by selecting the portion of the audio clip.
In practice, for example, I select the Mute tool, I hover the mouse over the portion of the clip that I want to silence and the audio is automatically silenced.
I'm trying....
Hey Lukas,
thanks for your great tutorials in general. The macros inside Studio One are a powerful tool. But on the other hand, they can become complicated to make them practicable for advanced use. But in my opinion, there could be an easy-to-make solution for this. What is the main feature in every DAW? It is to record something. I'm right? So, why not a special recording button to record every complex commands inside Studio One to get after disengage the special recording button a complete new macro sequence. I know, this looks like a feature request. But I think a well good one. You are not so far from the German Studio One developers in Hamburg away. Kick them in the ass to makes this real! :)

There is another beast for this. Sometimes there can be thousands of macros inside Studio One. To organize them is critical. Select desired macros - right click and sort to any available folder. Sometimes the computer live could be so easy if developers are able to think like a normal user. This is the biggest problem in IT business in generally. With best regards

Trommeltotti, Berlin​
I made a feature request on the presonus site years ago for this. Microsoft Excel has this record macro function and it's far easier than having to plan your steps like in studio one.
I made a feature request on the presonus site years ago for this. Microsoft Excel has this record macro function and it's far easier than having to plan your steps like in studio one.
Studio One does keep a record of most of your actions, although you can't see it in real time. Go to Edit -> History. Some actions like selecting an event or opening a window aren't there but you can infer those.