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I'm a long time Pro Tools user but have been using Studio One as well for some time. There's one particular behaviour in Studio One that drives me nuts and I'm really hoping that there's a way to change this. Maybe I'm missing the option, or maybe there's a new option in the latest Studio One version (I'm still on S1 5 Pro).
In Pro Tools there's a 'Link Timeline and Edit Selection' option. With this enabled, when I select a clip on the timeline the Loop start and end points follow that clip selection, so I'm able to quickly loop that section. But when I click into an empty part of the timeline to move the play cursor, there is no longer a clip selection so the loop range is also disabled. This makes perfect sense as there there is no selection, there should be no loop range!
In Studio One however, when I use the 'Loop follows selection' option, when I select a clip (event) on the timeline the loop range follows that selected clip, which is great. However, if I click a point somewhere else on the timeline to move the cursor to that new point, there is no longer a clip selection but the loop selection remains active! So in this sense the loop is not really following the selection, because there is no selection. Or in other words, the selection is not a range but just a point in time, so the Loop selection should also be just a point in time (ie. not a loop!).
Please see the attached clips and hopefully someone here understands what I'm getting at. If I have 'Loop Follows Selection' enabled and I move the cursor away from that selection to just a point in time (not a range) there is really no reason that the loop range should still be selected and active. There must be something I'm missing here.
I'm a long time Pro Tools user but have been using Studio One as well for some time. There's one particular behaviour in Studio One that drives me nuts and I'm really hoping that there's a way to change this. Maybe I'm missing the option, or maybe there's a new option in the latest Studio One version (I'm still on S1 5 Pro).
In Pro Tools there's a 'Link Timeline and Edit Selection' option. With this enabled, when I select a clip on the timeline the Loop start and end points follow that clip selection, so I'm able to quickly loop that section. But when I click into an empty part of the timeline to move the play cursor, there is no longer a clip selection so the loop range is also disabled. This makes perfect sense as there there is no selection, there should be no loop range!
In Studio One however, when I use the 'Loop follows selection' option, when I select a clip (event) on the timeline the loop range follows that selected clip, which is great. However, if I click a point somewhere else on the timeline to move the cursor to that new point, there is no longer a clip selection but the loop selection remains active! So in this sense the loop is not really following the selection, because there is no selection. Or in other words, the selection is not a range but just a point in time, so the Loop selection should also be just a point in time (ie. not a loop!).
Please see the attached clips and hopefully someone here understands what I'm getting at. If I have 'Loop Follows Selection' enabled and I move the cursor away from that selection to just a point in time (not a range) there is really no reason that the loop range should still be selected and active. There must be something I'm missing here.