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Length of notes short when 'Insert random Chords in scale'


New member
Looking at the instructions on youtube, it shows Lukas adding 8 random triads, which are all a bar long.

When I try it, mine are only half a bar and no matter what i try, i cannot get the notes a bar long

It has to be me somehow :)
I remember tweaking some of the randomization macros a bit - either just before release or in one of the first maintenance updates. It's true that the 8 Random Chords macros produce half-bar chords in the latest version.

To get one-bar chords, you can use the dialog (dialogs are the commands with "..." at the end):


In the dialog, you can choose all these options yourself, e.g. set Chord lengths to 1/1.

random chords.png

Note that you can select more than one chord length. If you do, the command will randomly use one of the selected chord lengths, creating rhythmic variations. By the way, that's exactly what the Create Groove macro presets in the menu do.

To get the same settings as in the 8 Random Triads and 8 Random 4-Note Chord macros, use this pitch range:

pitch range.png
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