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Intermittent Audio Dropout Issue in Studio One with VST Plugins


New member
Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue while recording live in Studio One (version 6). My setup includes:

Audio interface: Behringer U-Phoria UMC204HD

Buffer size: 512 samples

Drivers: ASIO4ALL

VST3: Neural DSP Soldano SLO 100, Positive Grid Bias FX II, Nembrini Audio.

System specs: Windows 11, Intel i7, 16 GB RAM, SSD

During recording, the sound suddenly disappears completely for several seconds. This is not just minor interruptions but complete dropouts that make recording impossible.

Has anyone experienced similar issues? If so, how did you resolve them? Could it be related to my settings, drivers, or the plugins I’m using?

I also use the standalone version of Amplitube 5 with its integrated DAW and when recording multiple audio tracks, I don’t encounter any issues. However, inside Studio One with VST Amplitube plugins, I experience audio dropouts. The drivers I use are always ASIO4ALL. I’ve also tried the Behringer drivers, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Thanks in advance for any insights!
Drivers: ASIO4ALL

Nuff said. Gentle suggestion to buy a reasonable pro/pro-sumer audio interface (with ASIO) for Studio One.

ASIO4All does not belong on any DAW.

Is your audio interface disconnecting when it happens? This might be the related to your USB ports turning off while in use.

Go to Device Manger > Universal serial bus controllers > Right click on each one of them > Properties > Power management > Uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off..."

Repeat for each line that has "USB" in its name.
Hi everyone,
I uninstalled the ASIO4ALL drivers and installed only the ASIO drivers for the Behringer U-Phoria 204HD. I also followed the latest advice, even though I noticed that the audio interface doesn't turn off during those moments. Thanks for the tips.

P.S. AmpliTube 5, strangely, doesn't seem to detect the native ASIO drivers for the Behringer at all. This issue doesn't occur with standalone plugins from Positive Grid, Nembrini Audio, or Neural DSP. I wonder why.