New member
Hi, I work on mock-ups, so SoundVariations are my main tool. I see some possibilities to make orchestral work easier:
- removing "unused" or "unknown" SoundVariations from the lane
- replace one SoundVariation with another (now it's possible for ScoringTools users by select all notes with SoundVariation and assign new SoundVariation)
- showing list of all used SoundVariations in the lane (for optimization purpose - if I know I never used some of articulation, I can unload them from Kontakt or other library player to save memory and loading time)
- quantize SoundVariations lane; after notes quantization SoundVariations are in the wrong place
- it would be very handy to prepare some kind of "length presets" of notes; now if you want to assign all about 16ths to spiccato or staccato, you need to open "Action" menu and pick "Select" tool, and in dialog window set the correct length borders; now you want to select all about 8ths as tenuto or portato, you need to open "Action", "Select", change length in dialog and so on. For many tracks this is very boring and long way to edit. It would be handy to have some "length" presets on drop-down menu in Scoring Tools or Harmony Wizard for selecting all notes with specified length borders - one click on presets, all notes are selected and ready for SoundVariation assignment
- last thing to consider: long notes with some articulations needs very similar modulation/expression curves - maybe it would be sensible to add "preset curve" to selected notes, scaled by note length?
- removing "unused" or "unknown" SoundVariations from the lane
- replace one SoundVariation with another (now it's possible for ScoringTools users by select all notes with SoundVariation and assign new SoundVariation)
- showing list of all used SoundVariations in the lane (for optimization purpose - if I know I never used some of articulation, I can unload them from Kontakt or other library player to save memory and loading time)
- quantize SoundVariations lane; after notes quantization SoundVariations are in the wrong place
- it would be very handy to prepare some kind of "length presets" of notes; now if you want to assign all about 16ths to spiccato or staccato, you need to open "Action" menu and pick "Select" tool, and in dialog window set the correct length borders; now you want to select all about 8ths as tenuto or portato, you need to open "Action", "Select", change length in dialog and so on. For many tracks this is very boring and long way to edit. It would be handy to have some "length" presets on drop-down menu in Scoring Tools or Harmony Wizard for selecting all notes with specified length borders - one click on presets, all notes are selected and ready for SoundVariation assignment
- last thing to consider: long notes with some articulations needs very similar modulation/expression curves - maybe it would be sensible to add "preset curve" to selected notes, scaled by note length?