I've always been puzzled why S1's horizontal scrolling is sooooo slow. Navigating along the timeline is such a fundamental activity and it just seems to be at odds with S1's (otherwise) super fast workflow. It actually drove me to try and switch to Cubase at one point out of frustration... but of course otherwise I love Studio One.
I'm curious if anyone else feels the same about this. I dealt with it (successfully, I might add) by having a dedicated (horizontal) scroll wheel with modified sensitivity. I've recently switched to a Slimblade Pro (trackball) where I have a programmed a button to put the trackball into scrolling mode with fast sensitivity.
I'm curious if anyone else feels the same about this. I dealt with it (successfully, I might add) by having a dedicated (horizontal) scroll wheel with modified sensitivity. I've recently switched to a Slimblade Pro (trackball) where I have a programmed a button to put the trackball into scrolling mode with fast sensitivity.