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Hardware synth issue

I just got my first hardware synth. A Cobalt 8X from Modal Electronics. I have it all set up. Midi works. Audio works. Whenever I record or program anything, on the playback there’s a repeating three note pattern that also plays. Even if I start a fresh song and haven’t recorded anything, it plays this pattern when I press play. Any ideas??? It’s really aggravating. I’ve been looking forward to to having a real synth.
Hi - check whether you are sending clock data to the synth (check the device you set up in studio one), if so even an empty song will send clock information to you synth and if there is a sequencer built in or an arpeggiator that can be triggered then that would be the reason.
I don’t know the Cobalt 8x but my Yamaha An1x does follow clock with some programs.
So since it’s your first hardware synth I would expect you have not dived into all features yet, check the manual