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Duplicate Track (Complete). Strange behaviour


New member
Studio One V7.01: I'm experiencing "wonky" behaviour with the "Duplicate Track (Complete)" with VST instrument tracks. It doesn't matter if the instrument has multi outs or not. When I Duplicate Track (Complete) non of the inserts or sends duplicate to the new track. If I try to copy all connections from the original track and paste to the new track, they paste in, but non of the inserts or sends work. Note: Audio tracks duplicate complete normally without issues... I'm now having to create the new instrument (VST) duplicate tracks from scratch... Anyone else seeing this behaviour ?
Thanks Lukas for the reply.. I'll try to grab a screen shot tonight. It's pretty simple though: In track view: Lets say I create a new instrument track with any VST - Pianoteq 8 ie. In inserts, add a compressor and EQ. Then send to a reverb FX track. Nothing recorded. I right click the new VST track. Choose "Duplicate Track (Complete)" The new track appears bellow the original track. But just with the instrumant (Pianoteq) No inserts or sends.
When I click on the new track and play, and this seems random, the original track sounds and not the new track. I've been a S1 user since version 4.
My system is used strictly for music. Antivirus is disabled and internet is off etc. Having no other issues with any other software.
I see. Yes, I can reproduce this, even without sends. Seems to be an Instrument Bus problem. Right-click your instrument channel in the mixer and choose "Remove Instrument Bus" (but make sure to save your insert FX because this might be removed because it's applied to the bus).

I reported this to development.
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Thanks Lukas
Why is this marked as "Solved" ?? It was verified as a bug by Lukas, but it hasn't been "Solved"
Why is this marked as "Solved" ?? It was verified as a bug by Lukas, but it hasn't been "Solved"

I think the "solved" tag is useful because a workaround can help someone deal with an issue until it's fixed. I hope that going forward, threads with solutions that involve a workaround are nonetheless marked as "solved."
The workaround does work. I didn't mean to appear ungrateful. Lets hope they fix this bug soon in a update.
Would be great if there was a workaround tag (let's say in yellow). Because a solved tag isn't solved until its well......... solved.
But maybe that's not an available option. If not, a solved tag certainly helps and avoids redundant posts. A good thing, and is nicely visible.

I can't count the many redundant posts in the old Presonus forum that people would ask again and again, or "me too" comments, when a hidden (yet valuable) workaround was already in place, but not tagged. The fix was hidden, and not noticed. Comments would continue quite literally for pages, afterwards. Remember the audio dropout posts? Oh my...

Good job on the maintenance, here. 👍
Yes this is still open and still a bug not solved. Also, when you "duplicate track complete" and have a multi instrument say Kontakt with 8 multi instruments inside 1 kontakt, 8 new instances of kontakt are created rather than one with 8 channels. This is as well as the linked bus channel problem. Once I removed the bus channel it also removed my folder from the mixer as well.
Really having issues with folders and tracks inside folders that will show up in the console as the track that looks like the folder instead of the folder very confusing what is going on. Not sure how to describe this?
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