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Discussion Thread for "The Huge Book of Studio One Tips and Tricks"

Craig Anderton

Active member
The Studio One forum has graciously offered this sticky as a home for questions, comments, and suggestions regarding The Huge Book of Studio One Tips & Tricks. This eBook package is available from Sweetwater Publishing as a bundle that includes a PDF of the eBook itself along with audio examples, presets, and FX Chains.

Like Studio One, the eBook continues to evolve. Also like Studio One, purchasers are entitled to free “point” updates. (If there’s ever a major rewrite to create a new edition, it will be available to existing owners at a reduced price.) So far, there have been 7 major, free updates since the book was introduced. The updates include new tips, but older tips are often revised to reflect changes in Studio One, or to improve functionality.

Doing updates turns the book into an interactive experience. I don’t claim to know everything! Many of your suggestions have been incorporated in subsequent versions, but you’re also encouraged to ask questions if there are aspects that could be clearer. My goal is to make this eBook a valuable reference and most importantly, a source of inspiration for all Studio One users. I welcome your participation in this thread to help further that goal.
BTW just a heads-up that the next update will take a while because I'm not just adding v7 stuff, but also stripping out the Artist-oriented tips. Previously, for some tips I did separate versions of the same tip for Pro and Artist. This should also help streamline the book a bit, so it doesn't become "The Unwieldy Book of Studio One Tips and Tricks" :)
Whatever happened to your archive blog on the presonus site? I really enjoyed your handy tips

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoy them! The blog was paused when they changed platforms. You can find the current blog under the Learn tab. My blog posts are back on a mostly regular basis, and there's still an archive of tips, but PreSonus deleted all the archived tips prior to September 1, 2022. I started writing the tips in late 2017, so about five years of tips are gone.

However, The Huge Book of Studio One Tips and Tricks incorporates all the tips I've written since 2017, so they're not really lost. Actually, the book is better than the archives anyway, because I've refreshed almost all of the older tips and brought them up to date. Some of the original tips have also been improved.

One more thing...the new blog no longer allows for comments, which I found very useful to know what kind of topics appealed to people. If anyone has questions/comments/complaints about any of my blog posts, feel free to comment here. The same goes for anyone who has questions about the eBook Record and Mix Great Vocals in Studio One.

Thanks for your interest! I really enjoy writing the tips.
Hi Craig thanks for the links however I'm getting 404 page not found on all your presonus blog links.

I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about that. I didn't even know 5 years of posts had disappeared until I tried to reference one in a new blog post. My assumption is that a link embedded in a tip in the archives either goes to a deleted post, or isn't redirected to a post on the new platform (if the post exists there).

I used ChatGPT to search for specific posts that are in the current incarnation of the blog, and it got weirder. I ended up on some site called "Owler" that supposedly had the blog post, but it showed only the first paragraph with "click for more." So I did, and it directed me to the PreSonus blog, not the post itself.

I doubt anyone at PreSonus has the time or energy to redo all the links in old blog posts, so the only answer I can think of for accessing all my Studio One blog content is from the Tips and Tricks book. If anyone knows how to access the missing blog post content, please chime in.
I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do about that. I didn't even know 5 years of posts had disappeared until I tried to reference one in a new blog post. My assumption is that a link embedded in a tip in the archives either goes to a deleted post, or isn't redirected to a post on the new platform (if the post exists there).

I used ChatGPT to search for specific posts that are in the current incarnation of the blog, and it got weirder. I ended up on some site called "Owler" that supposedly had the blog post, but it showed only the first paragraph with "click for more." So I did, and it directed me to the PreSonus blog, not the post itself.

I doubt anyone at PreSonus has the time or energy to redo all the links in old blog posts, so the only answer I can think of for accessing all my Studio One blog content is from the Tips and Tricks book. If anyone knows how to access the missing blog post content, please chime in.
Maybe @Lukas can help with that?
Frankly, I think Lukas could spend his valuable time on more important work:

  • A lot of the links in tips refer back to 5 years of tips that PreSonus deleted. So, first someone would have to repost 5 years of posts in the current blog (or somewhere) so any links would have someplace to land.
  • Quite a few of the older posts are no longer relevant, like how to use Rewire (which has been abandoned). Also, several posts were workarounds, which are now irrelevant because Studio One later implemented a proper solution.
  • Due to UI changes, many of the graphics in the older tips don't look like how the program is now.
  • The previous tips have been refreshed and improved over 7 free book updates. The download includes 340 tips and 223 files (presets, FX Chains, and audio examples) as well as the 922-page PDF format eBook. I know money is tight for everyone these days, but I believe a $19.95 eBook is a much more convenient and up-to-date way to access these tips, as well as tips in the future that will be included in the free updates.
  • The book includes material that was never presented in the blog.
  • This dedicated forum is available to answer any questions about the book. All the comments for the previous blog posts were deleted, and the new blog format doesn't allow for comments.
Does that make sense?
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Craig I find your ebooks are huge value, not only for the "print" information, but in the provided presets, fx chains and audio. Great stuff, great value, highly recommended. 👍
I second that! When I bought the eBook the other day, I was surprised by its size (over 900 pages). And it's packed full of tips and practical information. It has to be said: compared to the competition, the original Reference Manual for Studio One is on the weaker side.
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Any chance of getting some sort of "crossover" special price for this new version? Or is the book previously sold via PreSonus (The Big Book of Studio One Tips & Tricks) getting updates as well?
Or is the book previously sold via PreSonus (The Big Book of Studio One Tips & Tricks) getting updates as well?

I worked with the person who's running the PreSonus store to make sure those who had purchased the book from PreSonus can get version 2.1. However, I don't know if this same arrangement will exist for future versions. That depends on what PreSonus does with the store.

The main reason I wrote the book was because I wanted a reference of all the material I'd written about the program in one place. For example, last night I'd forgotten how I did the trick of using Melodyne to tighten up slowed-down drum loops, but I found the answer in the book :) Bear in mind that converting years of notes into a 900+ page book is a helluva lot of work, let alone proofing it and doing all the artwork - especially when PreSonus makes UI changes and I have to redo most of the screenshots.

If the book turns into a new edition altogether (like software going from 2.0 to 3.0 instead of 2.0 to 2.1), owners of previous editions get a discount. I waived that when the book went from 1.x to 2.x as a way to thank the Studio One community for its support. I suspect there will be at least a v2.2 before a v3.0 comes out. Or with the new Studio One quarterly update model, maybe there will be more frequent, smaller updates and there won't be a v3.0. "Always in motion is the future."
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I worked with the person who's running the PreSonus store to make sure those who had purchased the book from PreSonus can get version 2.1. However, I don't know if this same arrangement will exist for future versions. That depends on what PreSonus does with the store.
No worries, was just curious. I have no regrets buying the "old" one and will not having any regrets buying the next version. The information within is worth o lot more than the asking price, that's a hint for anyone not yet an owner.

Thanks Craig
Hi. I'm new to Studio One (moving from FL Studio, but was never any good at it), and because I'm a bit desperate to get my ideas done and move forward with my music, I bought the Studio One 7 Pro, and now also your book.
It's a whole new world to me (as an amateur), but I haven't found much information about this elsewhere : I've invested in a Windows keyboard made to support all the shortcuts or key-commands in Studio One, mostly to simply I it for my myself and because I'm a bit slow on using them (I guess I'm getting old 😄).

So for those that are interested in that kind of a tool, although maybe a bit expensive for many,- you can take a look at the versions made for both the Mac and Windows at https://editorskeys.creator-spring.com/
You both have keyboard and overlays for Laptops.
Maybe it's a tip worth mentioning here or in the book at some point?
If this is not the right place for it, then just delete my post, no worries. 🙂
Maybe it's a tip worth mentioning here or in the book at some point?
If this is not the right place for it...
On the contrary!! This is the perfect place for this kind of information, and is a fantastic example of what I hoped this forum could do. I'll definitely include this as a tip in the next version.

Here's a better URL that takes you right to the PreSonus keyboards instead of the company's merch page. Frankly, the backlit model looks pretty useful to me...

Anyway, the point of this particular forum is I don't know everything (no surprise there, right?), but I do want the updates to be as complete as possible. The people who frequent this forum are quite the brain trust, so this is a good place to pick up ideas for what to put in future updates.

You're welcome! I'm really looking forward to dive into this Studio, and although this book and probably the manual itself 😆 covers more than I'll ever learn /need, it'll be something to explore every time I open the book,- so thank you! 🙂
Just saw this thread. Nice! Having a post for Craig's book in this forum, is ideal for him to circle back to for feedback, as well as for us to respond with points made, or add-on discoveries, etc. I'm really pleased to see this post exists, and more importantly that Craig is a part of the Studio One [and this forums] family!

Briefly: I keep the e-book "The Huge Book of Studio One Tips and Tricks" by Craig Anderton with me on my phone, and the subject matter is really filled with a slew of useful topics. Just check out the contents if you haven't already.

Great topics, useful examples, diagrams, and clear descriptions.

Great reading not just in the studio, but when your waiting for a bus, or having lunch, and so on. There's ton's of good information, and it may very well apply at some juncture with your DAW workflow.

All the best, Craig.
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