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Could Firmware Change 1824C to an ADAT Expansion Unit?

Ken Morgan

New member
Just curious…could a firmware update change the way an 1824c (or other Presonus device) from operating as an interface to operating only as an ADAT IO? If so, it would sure extend the useful life of purchases by expanding (example) my current Quantum 2626 from an 8 in to a 16 in, doubling the number of analog outs…all the while keeping the Presonus operating and sonic signatures

Just a thought
Hard to say if that's possible as an afterthought on interfaces. I do know that out of the box the Quantum HD 8 offers ADAT Stand-Alone mode, so that one you can use to expand analog I/O on other ADAT equipped interfaces.
I use the Studio 192 in the way you describe with the 1824c, so this may work in your setup as well. I connected the Studio 192 via USB, set up the I/O the way I wanted, then disconnected the 192 and reconnected the 1824c to USB. Whatever audio I plug into the 192 shows up as an ADAT input in the 1824c. The only caution is you need to use the expander interface as your master clock, i.e., the 1824c syncs to ADAT.
Tried that Craig...no love here. Each time I disconnected something in the Mac world, everything went pretty haywire.

Ive got an inexpensive workaround with the Arturia Audiofuse X8 In working nicely for the ins, covering what I need for the moment.

Thanks for your input.
Tried that Craig...no love here. Each time I disconnected something in the Mac world, everything went pretty haywire.

Just to satisfy my curiosity...since it's a Mac, can't you just aggregate the interfaces? If not, what's the problem you run into?
Aggregate is an option, but I’ve found it’s hit or miss. Yes, when it works, it works pretty well, but booting the system up the next day sometimes sees some pretty spotty performance (at least on my 2018 Mac Mini, 32G).

When it is functioning properly, it’s actually a mighty fine system.

Disclaimer: I’ve only tried the Aggregate on PT, perhaps it will act right more often on S1.