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Best Way to Release Virtual Notes?


I use virtual instruments exclusively but one disturbing aspect of them I take notice to is the unnatural way they seem to stop. You release the key or edit the MIDI note and it just comes to an abrupt end which sounds very unnatural. Bass notes don't just stop. String ensembles don't just stop. There is a distinct release. When I encounter this situation I always find myself at a loss on how to make it sound more natural. I usually wind up trying to create another sound over top of it to obscure it. So, I ask those here who use programs like Session Strings Pro or Trilian Bass module-how do you release notes while making them sound realistic? Is there a way?

John B
--> moved to "Community Support" since this is a question, not a tutorial.

Good instruments take care of this automatically by playing release samples or connect legato notes with legato transitions. Others allow you to do this manually.

Most instruments require a certain amount of editing for a realistic result. If the instrument does not offer any solutions for that, you might be using the wrong plug-in / library.