• Hi and welcome to the Studio One User Forum!

    Please note that this is an independent, user-driven forum and is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or maintained by PreSonus. Learn more in the Welcome thread!

Become a community supporter - help keep the forum going!


Staff member
Hi everyone,

Some members have asked where they can donate to help out, which is very kind and truly appreciated! As mentioned in the welcome thread, this is a user-driven forum (not endorsed by, affiliated with, or maintained by PreSonus) that we run in our free time to serve the Studio One community. To cover ongoing server and maintenance costs, we've now set up a donation option. If you'd like to contribute, you'll find the Donate button in the footer (or through this link).

Of course, donations are entirely optional - it was our goal to get the forum up and running as quickly as possible. But we're grateful for everyone’s help, which allows us to keep this community space thriving and evolving. Every donation, no matter the amount, makes a difference.

Thank you for being a part of this community!
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Donation just made. Thanks for all you do!
Donated. When one considers the other Studio One sources for information on the internet, this forum, studiooneforum.com is in a class by itself. Many members here carry years/decades of DAW and industry related information and share that info on the fly. This forum has far greater Studio One user potential than any other source, I've seen.

I urge any other members or visitors to donate what they can to fortify this place for DAW, equipment, and related information so that we all have a valuable place of reference, for years to come.
I donated a couple of days ago. Absolutely a good cause and hopefully between the contributions and some extra income for Lukas he can keep the boat afloat. (I've always found they are worthwhile tools and utilities that add greatly to Studio One and are greatly appreciated and valued here) +1
I donated a couple of days ago. Absolutely a good cause and hopefully between the contributions and some extra income for Lukas he can keep the boat afloat.
Thanks so much for your support! However, to make this clear, it's not about generating extra income. The donations are solely intended to cover the costs of technical infrastructure (such as servers, forum software, domain, etc.) as well as necessary expenses like legal consultations.
Understand - and my apologies for convoluting your business venture with your generous assistance in hosting this site to help out the community. Don't mean to muddy the waters in anyway. Just very appreciative. Still envious that you need so little sleep. 😉
Thanks so much for your support! However, to make this clear, it's not about generating extra income. The donations are solely intended to cover the costs of technical infrastructure (such as servers, forum software, domain, etc.) as well as necessary expenses like legal consultations.

I had zero doubts about that. I think we're all just so grateful to have a place to help each other out. I'm finding the community here to be very positive and helpful - and of course that's how I've felt about you and your contributions. I've never, EVER, felt that you did what you do to make money. And even if you did, I would be totally OK with that; I just feel you have a love for Studio One, whether that's because you love how it works or because you actually worked on it and have camaraderie/friendship with the devs - doesn't matter.
Donation made to a great initiative!!

Looking to the future...if the forum ends up with too many people and starts attracting spammers and internet tough guys, may I suggest you introduce a monthly 1 Euro subscription. Paying it would allow posting. But people could lurk for free, so that everyone could still access all the great information. Just a thought.
Donation made to a great initiative!!

Looking to the future...if the forum ends up with too many people and starts attracting spammers and internet tough guys, may I suggest you introduce a monthly 1 Euro subscription. Paying it would allow posting. But people could lurk for free, so that everyone could still access all the great information. Just a thought.
I think that makes a lot of sense. Agree.
BTW Craig, Happy to see the return of the Friday Tip of the Week!
Donation made to a great initiative!!

Looking to the future...if the forum ends up with too many people and starts attracting spammers and internet tough guys, may I suggest you introduce a monthly 1 Euro subscription. Paying it would allow posting. But people could lurk for free, so that everyone could still access all the great information. Just a thought.
I think the climate of Studio One people has always been great, and the suggestion seems to be largely jumping the gun IMHO. Then again, my point could be interpreted as bullying. Ok, bad joke, but my point is, let's let the forum breath and fortunately more and more Studio One users are signing on these last couple of weeks. Very cool and a tribute to good things to come. Trolls and such can always be canceled by moderators. That's been another great thing about the old forum moderators. They were and still are very reserved, very friendly folks.

True, some forums have some very poor, or for that matter really random trouble makers, wisenheimers, and the like. I just think we're better here and not like those really watered down forums.

Just my two cents. I will be sending in an anual donation here, but I'm not big on subscription intravenous lines. Hope that's fair to say. ; )
Just donated! Already this forum is better than the prior "official" forum. Reminds me of the old Cakewalk forum. And I see a few of the old Cakewalk members here as well!