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Automation Effects Parameters


New member

what is the best way to automate a effect parameter in Studio One 7?

I have a parameter from a Arturia VST effect plugin mapped on a automation track.
Is there a way to handle the automation in sync with the instrument part, where the effect is on the track?

When i loop the instrument event, the automation is not getting looped.
I can select the automation separate and copy it with D, but this is not really intuitive and precise.
Looks like the new loop functionality does not work on the automation events.
And i can't use Part Automation with effects, only instruments? or should this work in 7?

Any other way to copy/loop the automation as well with the instrument part?

Screenshot 2024-11-16 033047.jpg
If you have "Automation follows events" checked, automation will also be duplicated when duplicating a part.
Seems thta´s the only way to achieve what you want.
So duplicating is the way to go.
As you already found out, looping only applies to a part and it´s part automation, which can not contain insert effects-parameters.
ok. thx for the confirmation.