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Arturia Keylab61 MK3 Plugin Mapping


New member
Hello all

Did someone already succeeded in a good integration of the keylab MK3 in Studio One ?

I created two devices : one for the daw input using the Mackie controller and a standard midi keyboard for the MIDI input. In Keylab I set the keyboard to Studio One even if I know that there are NO specific scripts

The transport works fine, the integration with Analog Lab works also fine ...but as soon as I map a third party plugin with S1 mapping functionalities I loose the integration with Analog Lab... it's one or the other... but not both. As soon as I delete the midi device ( and so having no mapping at all ) the integration with Analog Lab works again.. ans so on. I raised a ticked to Arturia but I would appreciate if the community already found the same issue or a workaround.

Have a nice day
Have you tried creating a “User” mode template for mapping the third party plugin controls? Arturia keyboards have three modes; Arturia, DAW and User. You can switch between these modes using the program button. On the Keylab MKiii you can have 6 different “User” mappings. You can then switch between the Arturia (Analog Lab) mappings and the User mappings depending on what you are doing at the moment. Hope this helps.
Hey Radioguy

That’s exactly what I did creating a user profile to use with the S1 mapping feature … and soon as I create my first mapping it kills the Analog Lab integration when selecting the parameters . Transport are ok though
I have the same problem. It would be nice if you could share the respond from Arturia!

I own the Keylab mk2 49 for years and bought the Keylab mk3 61 too.
While the mk2 works in conjunction with the Mackie protocol,
the mk3 only works properly in user mode.

There are scripts available for Live, Bitwig, Cubase, Logic and FL Studio and Reaper works with Mackie.
I don't know why there's so little support for Studio One, it's not much fun for us customers.

The Arturia Keylabs mk2 and mk3 are great keyboards for their price point and working in user mode is ok.
Sorry I'm late.
I have no issues in user mode, so this mode works fine for me.
Big problem is the DAW mode which does not work at all.
Here the somewhat cryptic answer of Arturia

So, such behaviour is expected when creating new mappings in Arturia Program. As Arturia program is to be used only with Arturia instruments, there might be conflicts when manually mapping controls to other instruments in the same program.

Unfortunately, for this purpose you would have to use the User program.

in other words … we do not have to expect a more in depth cohabitation with S1 further than the user mode … So 500 bucks for a controller to be used as a vulgar midi control at 200…. Back in the box I believe
Here the somewhat cryptic answer of Arturia

So, such behaviour is expected when creating new mappings in Arturia Program. As Arturia program is to be used only with Arturia instruments, there might be conflicts when manually mapping controls to other instruments in the same program.

Unfortunately, for this purpose you would have to use the User program.

in other words … we do not have to expect a more in depth cohabitation with S1 further than the user mode … So 500 bucks for a controller to be used as a vulgar midi control at 200…. Back in the box I believe
I get that vibe from Arturia's response as well. I had the Keylab mkII. I traded it for an NI Kontrol S49 MkII. The keyboard is very similar in feel, but the navigation, mapping, and led layout/metering are just so much better with the S49. So Arturia finally abandoned that mkII 1980's lcd, for something at least ok, but never improved its Arturia, DAW, and user modes. That's a shame. Great software they provide in the V-Collection, and Pigments, but seem to come up short on the Keylab mk instruments. Their uhem... flagship line of controller keyboards.

I got rid of the Arturia mkII because of the bumbling with mapping, saving presets, only to not quickly jump around other modes/presets so easily. I consider the user mode best for outboard usage, but when they say that's the way to go for using with other instruments such as out from your computer (USB), that's kind of a weak response.
The Keylab mark's are well built, but not as thought through as they could be. I had posted my experience (and trade) in the old Presonus
forum, only now that info went "poof".
Many thanks for the feedback. Why Arturia doesn't support Studio One remains a secret.
I made a reply to Arturia suppirt to say that the user mode allow perhaps to map the button and to have (minimal) daw transport however this breaks the browsing functionality in analog lab like it is advertised ( generically I admit ) ... Also stating that if they could do it for other daws like Ableton ( I use it also and everything works like a charm -)
I have the Essentials MKIII and its working fine for me in S1.

Program 1: Arturia, Controls everything in Analog V Lab.
Program 2: DAW, Controls all faders, pans. Channel 1-8, 9-16 and so forth.
Program 3: User, Programed to control what i need within S1. (Dont forget to set the DAW Mode within MM'Center to Mackie mode)

External Device setup.

1. Add a keyboard with i/o set to KL <your keyboard>Midi
2. Add Mackie Control with i/o set to KL <your keyboard>MCU/HUI

I have also set the keyboard (point 1 above) to be the Default Instrument Input to avoid midi channels getting data from the MCU/HUI device.

The only downside to this setup when using S1 is you have to manually switch between all three programs so match the situation you need the controllers for.

Hope this help. 🍺
Thanks @Muzik4Life for the head up ... But sorry enough this is (almost) the same setup that I have... I have tuned based on your post but no the integration with AnalogLab remains broken ( no browsing ) as soon as I map my first vst in User Mode through the S1 midi learn. This is definitely a major drawback. Even if I select the "Analog Lab" profile, the browsing is gone ( no buttons working, the search is broken also ). Only the analog lab mapping is working but because I created a Studio One Midi mapping... not genuine integration as advertised ( and indeed no visual feedback on the keyboard )
Hi @Lephilb i can tell you for sure this is working 100% my end. Something you could try.

Launch the Arturia software center.

1. Remove the K'B in question from S1 Devices panel. EVERYTHING related to this K'B.
2. Open ASC, find Midi Control Center and click on it, In the bottom right-hand corner next to the uninstall button you have an arrow pointing down, click, hit Clean prefs.
3. Repeat this for Analog labs.
4. Start S1 when adding the K'B to devices Make sure you follow my device setup.

If this doesn't work, then you have something mapped within your system that's preventing messages from K'b to Daw.

Hope this Help... 🍺

P.S Any mapping you may have done for testing or permeant basis please be sure to remove them before you clean the prefs.
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@Muzik4Life A big thank you for this last advice.... it's now working far better !!!! Cleaning the prefs made it progress in the right direction ( I had a previous Keylab61 Essential MK2 perhaps something there ).... I only have one remain issue : I can work now with both integration ( S1 mappings and Analog Lab Mapping ) but a soon as I assign rotary 1 ( CC74 ) to a third party instrument ( or even to the user device in S1 ) It breaks again the mapping of parameter of Brightness ... but I regain the browsing functionality thanks to your last post !!!!!!! I will now dig into the last bug ...

Plug and Pray they called it :-) .... Thanks Bro !
@Muzik4Life A big thank you for this last advice.... it's now working far better !!!! Cleaning the prefs made it progress in the right direction ( I had a previous Keylab61 Essential MK2 perhaps something there ).... I only have one remain issue : I can work now with both integration ( S1 mappings and Analog Lab Mapping ) but a soon as I assign rotary 1 ( CC74 ) to a third party instrument ( or even to the user device in S1 ) It breaks again the mapping of parameter of Brightness ... but I regain the browsing functionality thanks to your last post !!!!!!! I will now dig into the last bug ...

Plug and Pray they called it :-) .... Thanks Bro !

Glad to hear this is now working... How are you mapping CC74?

Here is what i did.

1. Recall the DAW profile from the K'B & save as User 1
2. Assign all your custom controls and save to user 1
3. Store to the User 1 profile on the K'B.
4. When you want to control Analog V Lab (Via S1) using the Arturia Profile.
5. When you want to control just the S1 Faders and Pans Use the Daw Profile.
6. When you want to control any 3rd party instrument and/or any parameter within S1 using User 1 Profile.

Each profile/user has to be used for its own specific task.

Its alittle tedious but once you get used to it, you'll get the job done.
Did almost the same... everything was ok but I restarted studio one.... and the browsing is Analog Lab is again gone ( but the mapping are ok in AL Mode )....

Stupid that I am.... I also mapped the 4 buttons on user mode in S1... and I assume these are also reserved ...
Did almost the same... everything was ok but I restarted studio one.... and the browsing is Analog Lab is again gone ( but the mapping are ok in AL Mode ).... this is not making music ..this is troubleshooting Arturia Software...

I changed all my mappings on the keyboard itself ( you can do that on the Keylab61 ).... but One way or the other there is again a conflict somewhere ... Tired
I'm hearing that. Glad you got further along, only I had come to what seems to be similar findings. Actually, I forgot most of the specifics, but also when restarting Studio One, presets changed. I saved them so it was a simple reset, but I don't see why modes like DAW, user, and anolog-lab need to be selected so much. But hey, we all have different work flows and that's the path Arturia went. Love their V collection, and Pigments though!
Best, and keep going.
Can i ask, anyone using Arturia K'B with S1 could you please Load Analog V Lab (in a new Project) put not data on the lane, Open the Midi Monitor and hit play..... Do you get a tone of midi message data being sent out from the MCU/HUI socket?

Trying to work out why so much data is being sent when nothing is being sequenced.

Edit: Now i think about this why would we send MCU/HUI data back to the K'B. I cant think of any reason to send dat back to the back via the MCU port, so i now only sending MCU data from the keyboard with no return. This cleans up what im now think is some kind of Loop going on in S1 when playing an empty track with AVL.
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