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Apple spacial audio issue


New member
Hey everyone,

this is the discussion thread for the Studio One 7.1 update (click here for release notes).

Happy discussion!
Thanks. I’m new here and in trouble. Updated to 7.1 to take advantage of the Apple spacial audio file output not being 92k in all circumstances. This file is now stereo which is better than nothing but only stereo whatever the settings. The render of all other formats (7.1.4 / 5.1 / 7.1) sounds nothing like the mix in the room even on the same equipment. Running Studio 1 v7.1. Studio live 64s with latest firmware. PMC fronts and Eris pro 6s in most places except side where there a couple of Genelecs.with Eris sub. Room mix sounds fine but all renders flat lifeless and nothing like the room with the same equipment and settings. Another oddity 7.1.4 export file is exactly same size as one which has no identification except name of artist and project. All other files have Apple Spacial, 5.1, 7.1, 7.1.4 appended. On a deadline so will have to revert to 7.0.2 and discuss with video editor why I can’t give him the Apple spacial audio file he wanted. No offer of insight refused. Hope I’m posting in the right place!
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Thanks for moving the post to the right place. Forgot to mention that render times have increased 5x - So what was taking 58 mins (half a one hour show) is now taking 6 hours.