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Solved Acid Loops in Studio One 6

Larry Jones

New member
Hello everyone. I'm new to Studio One (but have been recording since the 1970s). I'm using v.6 right now, waiting to be able to afford 7. Many thanks to those who set up this forum after Presonus dropped their own "official" one. I've always gotten the best help from other users.

That said, my question is this: Is Studio One "acid-aware?" That is, will it play acid loops at the tempo and pitch of the song? I was in a hurry today trying to crank out a quick rough mix for a co-writer. I dropped a percussion loop into the track and it didn't sync with the track. I didn't troubleshoot, so I can't give any details, but it was clear that Studio One was not reading the extra tempo information contained in an Acid .wav loop. Is there a setting that will make this happen? Or barring that, is there any way to use Acid loops in S1?

Thanks for reading!
I have a bunch of acid loops that are all working correctly, I can only suspect the file you used had some format issues - in that case right-click the event and type in the proper tempo (luckily acid files usually have a naming including the tempo) and Studio One can do the math and make the event fit like any other.
Another method would be to drag the file into the arrangement, bounce it in place, then go to the right corner and hold down ALT or OPTION (not at my computer right now) until the little clock symbol appears and then just drag it until it has a full measure or as many measures as the loop should represent in your arrangement
I have an extensive collection of original Sonic Foundry and Sony Media "Loops for Acid" libraries and as long as the file has it's embedded "Acid" tempo data - it is good to go.

Oddly - way back when I first came across Studio One (2011) and discovered it's ability to handle Acid loops - just like being in the actual ACID Pro (Sonic Foundry/Sony Media) program - it was one of the reasons I made the switch.

Pound for pound - Studio One will let you drag and drop an identical ACID Pro style "song" layout just like the orginal program would - without the shortcomings and oddball old school interface quirks that ACID Pro had.

If you got Acid loops - S1 is the spot to use them.

Yes, they work as expected when "Timestretch" is enabled in the Inspector and loops have embedded tempo.

Tempo Timestretch.png
Thanks for all replies. I must have been doing something wrong. (I have many ways of "doing something wrong..."🙃
Someone (not me!) marked my original post "Solved," but I undid that, because I'm still having problems using Acid-type loops in Studio One 6.

I'm using a Sonic Foundry disk called Drum Tools, and trying to put a shaker on a track. I hope I can explain this:
  • My track tempo is set at 140.
  • The shaker loop tempo (contained in the metadata) is 93.5701.
  • In the inspector the tempo is set to "Timestretch."
  • The shaker follows the track, but in 16th notes. I want it to play eighths in 4|4, with accents on the 2nd and 4th beats of each bar.
  • If I change the inspector tempo to "Follow," the shaker loop does what I want, but...
  • When I press "D" a few times to extend the loop, I get this:
  • 1734317313369.png
It feels like if I could edit the loop to be two bars of eight, instead of one bar of sixteen, it would work the way I want it. If there is a way to do this I haven't found it. Can anyone suggest how I can make this work?

Try this...
Create a test song with tempo set to 140 bpm.
Add a 93.5701 bpm shaker loop (16th notes) to an audio track with Timestretch enabled in Inspector.
Loop should now play in sync as expected with song at 140bpm.
Change the Speedup setting from 1.00 to .5 to stretch the 16th notes pattern to 8th notes.

Embedded Tempo.png

Also, upgrading to Studio One Pro 7 includes features to help with this.

Loop Tool for Events and Parts​

The Loop Tool for Pattern Parts is now available for any type of Event or Part. As an alternative to duplicating events, the Loop Tool is a timesaver for intuitive arranging and production.

Event Loop Option​

I just imported a bunch of Acid files and they knew what to do, so it's definitely possible. Try this: Under Song Setup > General > General Tab check "Stretch Audio Files to Tempo." Also confirm that Options > Advanced > Audio "Use cache for timestretched audio files" is checked.

If you select the acidized file in the browser, the section at the bottom that enables playback shows the duration and tempo. I don't think Studio One treats acidized files the same way as Acid did. Because Studio One knows the tempo and duration, it can use audio stretching, which gives higher quality than reconstructing an audio file from slices. When you bring a file into Studio One, it knows how to stretch the file to keep the same length in a song with a different tempo.

As to hitting the D, there are conditions where the stretch is temporary and the underlying file remains the same. In this case, when you duplicate it, perhaps what happens is that you're duplicate the underlying file. The solution is to bounce a clip to itself (ctrt+B) when it's in a correct state. That basically "renders" it. However, this should not be necessary based on my experience with acidized files, which always work fine.

Note 1: Acidized files do not recognize key changes in Studio One, even if you enter key changes. You have two options. One is to transpose a clip. The other is to create a Chord track and then everything you bring in will conform to the key specified at that moment in the Chord Track. It's an outstanding feature for audio (yes, audio!!) as well as MIDI. It will justify your spending time with the help menu and learning more about it. I also cover several Chord Track applications in my Studio One eBook.

Note 2: You probably know this already but in v7 you can roll out loops like you can in Acid.
So...is this solved now?
So...is this solved now?
Haha...yes! (Wait a few, then see my reply to Trucky.) Thanks for asking. Good to see you here, Craig. Your solutions sometimes go WAY beyond the necessary, but good stuff and I appreciate it. Just by luck, the settings you recommended were already that way, so when Trucky gave me a step-by-step, my computer was ready to go. (Thanks!)
But don't forget your own aphorism: We're creating music, not audio.
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Try this...
Create a test song with tempo set to 140 bpm.
Add a 93.5701 bpm shaker loop (16th notes) to an audio track with Timestretch enabled in Inspector.
Loop should now play in sync as expected with song at 140bpm.
Change the Speedup setting from 1.00 to .5 to stretch the 16th notes pattern to 8th notes.

View attachment 224
@Trucky - This worked - thank you for staying with me! The shaker loop plays the way I want it to and pressing "D" on the keyboard doesn't leave the track with all those little gaps. I am aware that version 7 does have a better implementation of this, but my budget is shot for now. I rarely use loops anyway, but thanks to you I'll be able to use them when I need to.
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@Trucky - This worked - thank you for staying with me! The shaker loop plays the way I want it to and pressing "D" on the keyboard doesn't leave the track with all those little gaps. I am aware that version 7 does have a better implementation of this, but my budget is shot for now. I rarely use loops anyway, but thanks to you I'll be able to use them when I need to.

This brought back memories of the occasional acidized file that would play back at double or half time. I had completely forgotten about that!
This brought back memories of the occasional acidized file that would play back at double or half time. I had completely forgotten about that!
There is at least one DAW that I know of that has a "Loop Construction" function, allowing the user to edit the loop right on the main screen if it doesn't comport with what is needed, and continue working. Trucky's advice to change the "speedup setting from 1.00 to .5 to stretch the 16th notes pattern to 8th notes" was the key, which is how I would have edited the clip. As usual, I just didn't know the terminology.
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